King of Theives | Teen Ink

King of Theives

October 15, 2015
By Anonymous

What I learned at a young age is you can put a price on anything. It could be a necklace, a secret, a life. Chances are if you have to ask you probably can’t afford it, but when did I ask for anything. After all I am a thief. My name is Alex I am a nightingale the top rank of the thieves’ guild, but I wasn’t always a thief at first I had morals and a conscious. It seems like I’m not doing this right let me try this again.

At my first breath I was already rich I had never done anything to earn this, so I respected my parents in this way. Then came the day when I saw my parents bribing the tax collector to make other businesses pay more taxes. I was about 17 at the time and developed a knack to not get caught, so I followed the tax collector until he came to a young ladie’s house. Pounding on the door she opened the door and I recognized her beautiful face anywhere. She was the girl who would sell fruits and vegetables in the market. 
The tax collector grunted and said, “the new price of taxes is 500 gold!”
Even I knew this was outrageous. The girl denied him the money, and so the tax collector pulled out a knife. Out of the few things I did myself is I practiced in hand to hand combat I took a piece of cloth out of my pocket and cloaked it over my mouth and nose only revealing my eyes a snuck up behind the tax collector, and knocked him out. The lady tried to thank me with a few gold pieces, but I returned them to her. And then used my abilities to get on the rooftops, and fled the scene. Over about a course of five years I got to know the lady from the market better. Like I found out her name is Annie. I would bring her bread from my parents businesses, and at one point I revealed my face however through the course of this time my parents had become more aware with me stealing bread, and giving it to the lady. They knew where the bread was from, but not who was the nightingale. At this time I started working for the thieves’ guild, but unlike most thieves in the thieves’ guild I only accepted jobs that would thwart my parents plans now my parents knew I was the one behind the mask, but they needed proof they set up a trap for me and kidnapped the girl from the market they tore of my mask after catching me, and then when they realized it was me they disowned me and strip me of my money, and power they tortured the girl convincing them it was my fault this was happening to her.
A few years later we were put into a run-down house outside the city of Markarth she refused to talk or get near me with as much food we had I knew we were going to starve soon, so I started to go into down doing petty thievery which I despised this hardly worth a thieve of my stature. Eventually I earned enough money that she would occasionally talk to me but only in short terse moments. We bought supplies for our house but she still refused to get near me. Eventually I caught sight of a thieves guild member I asked him why I’ve seen so many thieves lately he said that there is now a thieves guild in Markarth. I asked if I could join little did I know that question was going to be the worst thing I’ve ever asked for. The first thing I noticed was there leader and old nightingale from the last guild I was in. He knew of my skill, so he assigned me to the vault of glass a legendary treasure Trobe left behind by the precursor race.
I began traveling to nearby villages asking for info on the vault of glass and eventually a priest of arkay told of such a place he described as the exact opposite of our society instead of endless murky waters and shadow cloaked clouds there was pure blue water with sunny white skies he pointed to a location that wasn’t on my map a began going through frozen mountains. And scorching deserts do finally arrive to the entrance of the vault of glass there was a white ring with floating ghosts surrounding it. As I stepped in the ring, The ghost began to disappear, and the white gate began to open golden light flew through than an entire field of grass and gems with building as high as the sky I set up a camp on top of one of the buildings so I could store up my energy then all the sudden I hear a loud BASH, and the white gate was opening then my parents and some other thugs walked through. They were very vile, and it seems vile smelling but knowing my parents they did this so, if anything happened they could use their appearance to back up there story. Witch was usually we were kidnapped by these awful bandits thank you for saving us. I decided despite my rage to just watch them perhaps they could lead me to my prize. They decided to set up camp when they did about fifty more bandits started to open the gate I knew if they join up with the rest of their group so, I used my bow to silently knock them out after all I was just after my prize, and my parents. A few more weeks past, then my parents finally excavated the final door I tried to listen in.
My dad began to speak, “alright you ruffians today are the day we get the bow of Darak the source of all power of shadows in this world whoever controls it controls fate. Go get the key from camp” he ordered the last of his men.
The men walked toward the camp I knew that this was the last of their men so I knocked out all except the one who took the key using a few sleep darts. The last one walked back to my parents, and my dad asked where the other men went he said, “They all ran away!”
They walked through the door I followed until I got to the bows chamber that’s when I made my move I ran, and took down the one with the key my parents heard and snatched the bow, and started running away I chased after them sprinting the walls around us began to collapse climbed over the debris getting closer and closer I pulled out by dual daggers and went directly for their heart for they broke my heart once so today I shall break theirs’ they fell to the ground asking me who I was and who I worked for
I said, “I work for no one!”
As I said this I began to pull of my mask then their eyes got wide “Alex why how could you do this”
“How could you done that to me or Annie?”
“Who is Annie” they said.
“The girl at the market place you tortured the day you abandoned me.”
Then their final breaths left their body, “rest in peace mother and father.” I knew I couldn’t give this bow to the guild it was too dangerous so, I returned to my worn down house I took Annie to the vault of glass to live here so, as I sit on this throne of gold my name would be spoken through the centuries the king of thieves the legend of fate.

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