The Fight | Teen Ink

The Fight

October 12, 2015
By Bryant23 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Bryant23 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a boy named Sharkboy. His dad was taken away from him. He vowed to get revenge on his enemy Blueface. A few years later he saw Blueface and attacked him and beat him up.He asked him, “Where is my dad?”
He is dead.  He has been dead for over  years. I didn't kill him though. I was going to bring him back, but he had a stroke.
“I don't believe that! I will hunt you down, so you better watch your back.”
Two weeks later, Sharkboy found Blueface and said, “I will get you Sharkboy!”
Sharkboy went into a restaurant and ate. He went to the restroom. A big guy came and locked the door and Blueface came out of one stalls.
“Hello there Sharkboy. My associate will keep you busy. Now let's get this straight. Don't ever threaten to kill me or I will find you and have my associate will teach you a lesson. I will find you don't you forget that!”
One month later Blueface was alone and Sharkboy found him.
“I told you I would find you.” But it was just a fake body. A decoy. Sharkboy was confused. He was nowhere to be found. Then he found a letter for Blueface from someone else. It said meet me at the docks at 9:00pm.
Sharkboy went to the docks at 9:00pm and found Blueface.  After the meeting was over he followed him home and  watched him do work Then Blueface got mad and said why did I go to that meeting? Now I'm in something big.”
“What's going on at the docks? What's the big thing you're in?”
“I can't tell you or I will have to kill you.”
“If you don't tell me, I will kill you myself. Now tell me what you’re in.”
“Ok it was a job to kill you, but now you know it it can’t be done. You are going around killing the people who were at the meeting, but why not fake your own death and I can say I killed you and dumped you in the ocean.”
“Now why would I do that? I mean, I can’t do that. They will wait at night to see if I come to rescue people. Ok how about this? I go and kill these people at the meeting and then you and I train for Three weeks and then we fight and whoever kills the other person  and walks away is the winner.”
Sharkboy and Blueface started training. They ran and box other people. They train like nobody ever has. They fight in contests and they fight and fight until the day they’re supposed to fight. Sadly, they both got sick on fight day, so the fight was postponed. They trained for two more weeks. They do the same thing over again. The day came there was punching, kicking, and everything you can do in a fight.
The fight began and before the sixth round, they were too tired.  They were falling over so they took a break. When the half time was over, they fought and fought and fought. People started to leave by the 26th round. When this round started there were only a few people left. As the last people were leaving, they threw their final punches. Both of us were knocked out, so it was called a tie.
After the fight, the ambulance came and took then to the hospital. After we got out of the hospital, we decided to stay out of each other’s business and move on with life. We both left the city and found new homes.

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