Super-x | Teen Ink


October 12, 2015
By dwalters BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
dwalters BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a clean quiet office, Super-x sat there typing on her keyboard. The room was empty and smelt nice, almost like someone was baking a cake. Super-x’s office was located in the outskirts of California and it was hidden. She often got visitors but the visitors often thought it was not an office. Super-x couldn’t afford an office in the city. They were out of her budget. She also didn’t want an office too far from home. She only lived about five miles from her office.
She lived alone but she had a dog, his name was Zeus and he was a boxer mixed with an English bulldog. She had friends but they rarely visited because her house was always scattered with pictures of people and newspapers. Even though her apartment was small, she had a lot of things that looked nice. She had wooden floors and they were always polished, white walls, and red and black decorations. She loved the the colors black, red, and white. Super-x’s hair was red and she always wore a black leather jacket and black pants. She also would wear black stilettos and white sunglasses. She often drove her black car even though she also had a red one.
Her job was quite fun, she got paid by the government to follow people. She was a spy with a lot of power. She enjoys her job but she really never has extra time on her hands especially when she has two or more cases to investigate. Today she hasn't had any cases yet but she knows one is coming.
Not long after, she got a email saying she needed to investigate and arrest a man named Taryn. He was wanted by the cops for murder. Super-x knew this was dangerous but she was ready for the challenge. She grabbed her jacket, turned off her computer, and left for the door. She walked to her car. She had a computer in it almost like a police car. Then she took off to find Taryn.
As she was driving, she noticed a car was following her. Instead of taking the main road, she tried to lose him. She went down tiny alleys and crowded highways, no matter what the person in the jet black car was still riding her tail. She was scared and worried for her safety. She realized she also was losing time to catch her suspect, Taryn. She knew he was on the loose and she needed to do her job, but this car would not stop following her. The she went and stopped at an abandon warehouse...
As she stopped her, car the other car stopped too. Before she could even get out of her car two men jumped out of the car with a gun.
"I knew you'd be looking for me," the man says.
Super-x doesn't recognize his voice but his face seems familiar. She thinks to herself.. It was Taryn, the villain she was trying to catch. Then she hopped out of her car attempting to shoot Taryn, but his sidekick was already behind her holding a gun to her head. She didn't even try to move, she was scared they would do something. As Taryn's sidekick grabbed her to arms, Super-x screamed in terror,
"Stop moving before I shoot you," Taryn said in a deep voice.
She was scared. Then Taryn started walking. As he got to Super-x, he put a bag over her head. All she remembered was getting the bag thrown over her head. She didn't know where she was because there was still a bag over her head.
She wiggled her arms trying to get out of the pokey rope that was wrapped around her hands behind her back, it loosened but it didn't come off. She heard footsteps coming closer, so she stopped wiggling her hands. She sat very still. Then the bag came off of her head.
"$1,000,000 and you're free," said Taryn
Super-x asked, "Where do you expect me to find that kind of money and what do you even need it for?!"
"That's something you don't need to know," replied Taryn as he walked back to the table.
Then Super-x remembered she still had that pocket knife. If she could move her hands enough to reach in her back pocket, she would break loose. She tried to be secretive about it, she was happy she didn't have the bag on her head anymore so she could see if anyone was looking at her or walking towards her. She reached and reached, she wanted to give up but she didn't. She kept trying until she got it and once she did she took a long break. She was sweating just from trying to get the knife.
After catching her breath, she flipped open the small pocket knife. She was hoping it didn't slip out of her sweaty hands and fall to the floor. She kept a very tight grip and lowered the knife to the rope. It was thick but loose, it would take a good minute to cut through. As she started cutting the rope she could feel the knife slipping, she almost cut the rope. Then the knife dropped, she hoped no one heard it.
Super-x cut almost all the way through the rope. She kept thinking of what else she could do to escape. She thought she could just rip the two pieces of rope apart. She was struggling to grab the two pieces of the rope. Once she got them she made sure not to let go. She pulled with all of the strength left she had in her. Then the rope ripped.
She stayed still. She waited and waited till Taryn and his crew would leave. It took a while but she noticed them starting to leaving till it was just Taryn left. Super-x knew she spy equipment was all in the bag under the table. She could see her gun sticking out. Most importantly she needed her watch.
Taryn exited the room. Super-x sprinted to her bag, and got out her watch. Her watch had a tracker in it, and so did her car. She tracked her car and found the location. She found a exit and left the building.
When she got to her car, she called the police for backup. The police came and helped her catch Taryn. When they caught him they asked him what he needed the money for. He never would budge and they never knew what the money was needed for. Taryn was arrested and Super-x learned to never go in blind again. She knew something was wrong when the car was following her. Now she has a sidekick and the police as back up.
Her sidekick's name is Barbie. Barbie is very tall. She's skinny and blond. Barbie can run very fast has been a spy for a while also. She wore a black leather jacket with a red shirt underneath and black pants. Her and Super-x have the same favorite colors, so they always wear red black and white.
Now Super-x has a new office in the city. Ever since she got a sidekick, they started making more money from the government. She and her sidekick are also roommates and Zeus also lives with them also. They cleaned the place up and made it look like a real apartment. Super-x feels as if her life has never been better.

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