The Crime | Teen Ink

The Crime

January 19, 2016
By Jen_a418 BRONZE, West Bloomfield, Michigan
Jen_a418 BRONZE, West Bloomfield, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Boom! Tzzz.
The cabin was especially warm that night. The temperature outside had cooled tremendously as the day ended, so Julie had insisted on turning on the heater. Though they were deep in northern Michigan, it was still a rare thing to do in the summertime. Cindy was grateful for the hot air tonight. She always feels freezing when she’s nervous.
Boom! Boom! Tzzz.
“Okay guys, just remember to walk carefully, don’t step on any twigs. And be silent! Alright, let’s go.”
Taylor could be bossy, but Cindy didn’t mind following her orders, as long as the plan worked.
The door squeaked open, and the 6 girls piled out. Cindy was hit with a blast of sharp midnight air. A shiver took over her body as she started breathing in the cold wind. If it wasn’t for her massive sweatshirt, Cindy was sure she’d be frozen by now. It took a few seconds, but she got used to the new temperature, just in time for the group to start their journey to the beach.
Boom! Tzzz. Boom! Tzzz.
The girls moved quickly but carefully. The first part of their trip was the easiest. The cabins on Girl’s Side were spread out with a large, cleared path running through the center. The group was quiet, precise with each step so they wouldn’t wake up any other campers. Cindy couldn’t even believe they were out here. She had such a clear memory of Pam telling them not to do this.
The whole camp had gathered on the benches outside the Mess Hall right after dinner. The Camp Director was placed in front of them. Her directions were explicit;
“I know most of you want to leave your cabins tonight, but as you know, it’s against the rules. Anyone found outside after curfew will be punished.”
Cindy had noted that she said “found” not “caught”, which is really what Pam meant. She figured Pam didn’t want the campers to think she considered them criminals. But right now, doing exactly what she was told not to, Cindy sure felt like one.
Boom! Tzzzzz.
They were past the cabins on Girl’s Side, and now stood at the center of camp, halfway from the beach. This was going to be the most difficult part of their journey. Not only did they have to pass the Staff Cabins, 10 log buildings filled with 20 year olds who could still be awake, but they had to go right by Pam’s cabin, who was always up late. Standing behind a large tree with the rest of the girls, Cindy felt her heart start to beat a little faster.
“Taylor, are you sure this is the only way?” Nia whispered.
“Yeah, could we cut through the forest?” Erin chimed in.
“Technically we could,” Taylor said in a hushed voice, “but we might make even more noise trying to get through all the branches and leaves. Not to mention the racoons-”
“No way, we’re sticking to the main road,” Lauren cut in.
“Agreed,” Cindy added.
She was not about to spend her night with a racoon.
Boom! Boom! Boom! Tzz.
“Alright, let’s just go,” Julie said quietly.
They all nodded.
Cindy took a deep breath of the arctic air, and started creeping forward, following Taylor and Nia. Though her steps were completely silent, to Cindy, they sounded like explosions of atomic bombs. As she neared the Staff cabins, her heart began to beat in her throat, choking her with every pulse. Cindy couldn’t help but wonder when the adrenaline is supposed to kick in. Right now, it just felt like her nerves were heightened. Cindy wasn’t sure if she could do it, her fear of getting caught was overwhelming. She thought about going back, turning around and traveling to bed, her warm, comfy bed. But Cindy looked at her friends, her best friends, and kept moving, knowing there’s no place she’d rather be.
Boom! Tzzzzz.
What felt like eternity had turned into a few minutes. The group of girls were past the Staff Cabins. Sadly, that seemed like nothing compared to what came next, the dreaded Camp Director’s cabin. But the beach was in sight! Cindy knew they couldn’t give up now. So the group kept walking at the same agonizing pace, maybe even slower. They walked and walked, a silent rhythm forming with each step. Halfway past the large cabin, Cindy starting thinking they could really do this, that it was even easy. Then a light flashed.
Boom! Tzz. Boom! Tzz.
The girls sprinted to the neared tree. Now Cindy realized what adrenaline felt like. She took only short, quick breaths, trying to be quiet. Her heart pounded throughout her entire body. It made her head hurt. She didn’t care though, Cindy was too focused on the obliterating sense of guilt and disappointment. This is it, she thought, Pam saw us. Cindy heard the door swing open and footsteps coming towards them. She started preparing herself to come out of hiding, clinging onto her last few seconds of freedom, when suddenly, the footsteps stopped. Though the girls weren’t in the clear yet, Cindy felt a jolt of relief, maybe they still had a chance.
Boom! Tzzz.
Curiosity got the best of Cindy, she had to know what Pam was doing and if she saw them. Slower than she’d ever moved before, Cindy started to peek her head out the side of the tree.  At this moment, Cindy seemed to be the bravest of her friends, the rest of the group had their entire body tensed up, trying not to move at all. Though, her dauntlessness meant nothing if Pam saw her. Cindy decided not to let that risk faze her. She continued to move until she got a good view of Pam. Cindy almost laughed at the irony of what she saw.
Boom! Boom! Tzz.
Gently, Cindy moved back behind the tree. All of her friends looked at her, asking what she saw. Cindy simply pointed up and they all understood. Pam couldn’t resist enjoying the 4th of July tradition either.
Boom! Boom! Boom! Tzzzzz.
A few minutes later, the older women walked back to her cabin and turned off the lights. The girls took off. Their fear of being caught was demolished, no other cabins were anywhere near the beach. They had made it. As Cindy ran down the moonlit path, no longer cold, she felt something; belonging. Committing a crime with your best friends was definitely a bonding experience.
Boom! Tzzz.
Sitting on the sandy finish line, Cindy watched the embers blast, illuminating the dark lake with blue and red. In that moment, staring at the fireworks, Cindy decided that tonight, she committed the perfect crime.

The author's comments:

I go to a sleep away camp every summer with my 5 best friends. Each 4th of July, it is tradition to "sneak out" of your cabin and watch the fireworks that are executed by the people who live across the lake. Every year, our camp director specifically tells us not to go, and every year, the whole camp heads to the beach to watch. But the feeling of traveling under the blanket of moonlight with the constanting booming of the fireworks still felt exhilarating. I wanted to share that experience.


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