Trumped by Trump | Teen Ink

Trumped by Trump

January 20, 2017
By AndrewS194 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
AndrewS194 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
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It’s the year 2025, Trump’s 9th year as “president,” or at this point dictator. There’s war everywhere. We are no longer safe in the United States of America, a place forged by the beliefs of freedom, unity, and pride. The “Donald” simply couldn’t handle the pressures and responsibilities of the job, and went crazy. We are destroying the earth, turning it into a nuclear playground. None of us thought it would end this way. So many people have their lives ahead of them, expecting to go to college, get jobs, get married, have families, and see the world evolve. We hoped the future would be so bright with amazing innovations. Now, we have to fight if we want to survive, and if we want to save everything.
That’s what a group of three friends decided to do. The three fifteen year-old boys made it their mission to oppose Donald Trump and his forces after their families, friends, homes, and lives were taken away. The boys lost their parents due to their known opposition of Trump, and escaped before they too were taken. All from New York, they plan to take back their home state.
“Where should we stay tonight?” Dave asked.
“We are running low on ammo and food, I think we should make a run for the city then camp out in the forest,” replied Andrew.
“Yeah sounds good but the city is a tough place to scavenge, it’s been looted so much there probably isn’t much left, and they are probably still there.”
“Zach, we have to. We will just stay out of their sight and quickly return, they aren’t such good fighters anyway” said Andrew.
“They” were Trump’s loyal supporters, the racist white males who nearly killed off all the spanish, muslim, and black people. They were called the “Zombies” by most, due to their way of thinking, and their bringing of destruction to the world. Those who survived have long since fled to other places. They dressed in all white and were heavily armed, with military-grade equipment supplied by Trump himself. America was densely populated by them, and then there were also the survivors, fighting against Trump. The survivors were the small few who miraculously survived all the bombings and war. Many places on earth were now uninhabitable because of radiation. Even though there was not much to save, a few survivors still tried to save what was left.
“It’s time. Let’s move out.”
“Where are we scavenging first, Andrew?”
“Downtown Buffalo. I heard from other groups that it is not as heavily guarded, but it’s still quite a challenge so there must be supplies left.”
“What other groups?”
“I’ve made contact with a group of eight… they call themselves “The Purifiers,” and will help us out a great deal.”
“Sounds good to me. Right Zach?”
The group travels to their destination, and are greeted with a small force of the enemy. Andrew, Zach, and Dave are equipped with hunting rifles they found around town, while the enemy is much more advanced in their equipment. The boys are masters of stealth though, and use their wits and keen aim to take out the small force with ease.
“Good job boys...”
“Our allies called on the walkie-talkie, they need help!”
“Where are they Andrew?”
“Let’s go.”
The group arrives only to see a giant turf war. There were many more survivors than expected.
“Wow, I did not know we had all this support!”
The survivors take out the enemy, and they realize they have a large group of 80 people.
“Hello, I’m Rick. I’m the leader of The Purifiers, and the rest of these survivors came to help us when they heard the shots.”
“I’m Andrew, and this is Zach and Dave. We’re happy to meet you all.”
“We are too. This victory was much bigger than it seemed. We must have cleared out most of Trump’s troops in New York after this.”
“We can take back this place guys.”
The victory gave the survivors hope. Although they only cleaned out New York, the large group now started recruiting more people to the cause, and gaining ground. They could save the world, and they were going to try until they were stopped.
Although the new group had already gained a large victory, there was still much more to be done. Andrew, Zach, and Dave had no safe place to stay, and were still running low on supplies.
“Rick, do you guys have a safe hideout anywhere?”
“Yes we do Andrew. You all are welcome to stay, under one condition.”
“What’s that condition?”
“You, Andrew, and Dave must all contribute supplies in order to keep the place running.”
“Sure, Rick.”
“Ok, follow me. It is deep in the forest around here.”
The group heads off to the headquarters, where the next plan of attack is being discussed. The headquarters is a small, rectangular area, with a few makeshift shelters and a log building which is considered the “town hall.” It includes the armory, meeting room, and food storage.
“Ok time to discuss our plan as a new group.”
“Who’s that Rick?”
“That’s Greg. He’s the real leader around here.”
Greg was not the type of guy you would expect as leader. He was average looking, somewhat short, and quite skinny.
“Greg, I’m new here, but I think we should attack Central Park next. If New York has any more troops, they would be there.”
“And who are you?”
“And your friends?”
“Dave and Zach.”
“Well Andrew, I completely agree with you. We will carry out the attack in two days. Starting now, gather supplies and get ready. End of discussion.”
Everything seemed to be going incredibly smooth, and the group was already getting prepared for their next attack.
“Everyone this is serious! A large group of “Zombies” have found us and are rapidly approaching. We will be under attack in a matter of minutes”
“Greg, we have to flee, they have too much firepower!”
“No Andrew, we are staying and fighting! They won’t take any more from me or my group!”
“Andrew, we gotta get out of here. We all know it’s very dangerous to stay and fight with our current weapons”
“Where are you three going! Get back here or I’ll kill you before they do!”
“Guys run!”
The boys fled unscathed, but word got back to them that the fort suffered major damage, and many of “The Purifiers” were killed. On the other hand, the mass of “Zombies” seemed to be more heavily armed than ever before, with many reinforcements. The remaining survivors in the area planned to meet over walkie-talkies.
“Rick, I’m glad you’re with us”
“As am I, Andrew. That was a selfish decision of Greg. It is a shame we lost him though”
“So how are things looking”
“Not well Zach. We need better weapons and more materials”
“Word is that there is a small force of enemy military vehicles down in the Bronx. We could try and ambush them”
“About how many?”
“Four or six. It would be hard, but we need to”
“Let’s get to it. I don’t know what else we could do”
Four new vehicles were acquired, after one was heavily damaged, and one fled. The zombies had no idea the ambush was coming, and were easily defeated.
“With these, we push forward again!”
“Even though we just faced a major setback, Andrew, me, you, and Zach can handle anything. We will win!”

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