Creative Story | Teen Ink

Creative Story

March 10, 2018
By AlexSotolongo BRONZE, Claremont, California
AlexSotolongo BRONZE, Claremont, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It all started one night when Derrick was going home leaving from his friends house. He was driving on the road, no other cars to be seen, 1:30 AM. The air was cold and crisp. Derrick’s Friday had been nothing but the usual. Derrick turns the radio on while going down the windy hill. He makes a turn his lights reflect off something. He pauses on the side of the road, he couldn’t make out what it was. Derrick’s young impulsive brain decides to go see what it is. He realizes what made the reflection when his lights beamed Was the tarp covering something. It sort of reeked. The smell made Derrick nauseous but very curious so he decided to pull the tarp off, it was a body…
        Derrick began to panic pacing back and forth he was curious about the body. He didn’t know what to do or say. He thought about calling the police but did not want to get blamed. He wasn’t able to make out a face or any other details that could give him information on who this is, and that was due to the darkness. Derrick decides to pull out his phone and turn on his flashlight.  Derrick gasp and collapsed to the ground. His whole world had just broken down into a million little pieces that had gotten swept away by the wind. Derrick begins to scream. “WHY! WHY!” He gasps for air between each sob. Holding his mothers purple hand. Wanting to feel a pulse.
        Sobbing over his mother's body, Derrick begins to look around. Wiping his tears away he yells, “Who did this!” He decides to take matters into his own hands. He wrapped his mother back into the tarp, struggling, blood on his face hand and nails. He places her in the back of his truck and drove home, he knew he couldn’t be driving around with a body in his car so he had only two things on his mind 1)hide the body, 2)FIND THE KILLER. Derrick began to think. He realizes he had a spare freezer in the garage that he can store his mom in for enough time to set up a funeral and hire someone to preserve  the body til then. After  struggling to place the body in the freezer. Managing to clear it all out and hold her in his arms. Derrick began to start the shower and wash the blood out his hair, nails, and skin. Derrick thentries going to bed but couldn’t sleep at all, but would you be able to knowing your mother was tossed on the side of the road like a gum wrapper. He realizes his mother had been left on the side of the road dead and she is your freezer. He stays in shock.
        As the next day comes around shortly. Derrick had barely slept every time he got to sleep images of his mother's body would appear over and over again. All the different ways it could have happened. Who could have done it.  Derrick was in his thoughts even while sleeping. His brain was overwhelmed with fear and protection for his mother. Over and over again he couldn’t believe this was his reality. His mother used to tell him how to never take things for granted because of how things can flip a switch in less than a second. He’d never thought those words would actually mean something as tragic as this. Being a detective made Derrick restless. He had done so many of these cases before having the body cold lay right in front of him he never thought that the body in front of him would be his mom.  This was the saddest moment of Derrick's life knowing what he was going to have to do to find out what happened to his mother and who did it. It made him uncomfortable. He went down to the freezer and and took his mother out. He also brought his briefcase down from his office. It was a black leather suitcase you needed to know his exact code to open it. The code was 1567. When opening the case it fretted Derrick in a different way each time. The case had swabs, tiny zip locks, and latex gloves.  Each thing platforms to you when asked for. He had to first undress his mother. Keeping the clothes and everything else that had not been her own flesh into ziploc bags for evidence. He swabbed her entire body making sure if there were any fingerprints he would get them and be able to take them to the lab and have them compared to every single person in their system and if no one matched there he would do anything and everything in his power to find them another way.
       The day went on and Derrick eventually called the mortuary to pick up the body, got a funeral set up and bought a casket. Then called the mortuary making sure they had made his mother stay as beautiful as she was when alive. Then he thought to himself, he has to call his dad. He hadn’t checked his phone in a day so he had a couple texts but 15 missed phone calls, all from his dad. He knew he would have to break the news to him. So he called…
      “Ring Ring Ring”  each ring gave Derrick a panic sensation. He wasn’t sure if something had happened to him but finally after the third ring Derricks Dad had picked up. When Derrick's dad answered the phone you could here the concern and sadness in his voice. Derrick had to stay calm though, he thought to himself, don’t cry! So he told his dad everything, him finding her along the side of the road  him swabbing her for prints, the plans he had made for her funeral and finally the mission he has to catch whoever did this to her. After he explained all that to his father the phone was silent on both ends for about a minute or so. Finally Derrick's dad spoke and said “son I love you and this is going to be rough and we can go through this tough time together, but I hope you find the people who did this and either put them in jail forever or murder them no questions asked” he was never used to his fathers showing emotions like that especially not to him. He was only ever used to him telling his sister I love you. He had said it made him feel appreciated and cared for. He had finally felt he was starting to make his dad proud. Derrick strongly agreed and said “I love you Dad see you soon”.
       A couple days went by and the funeral came and only a few family members showed up, but that's what Derrick wanted. The funeral went like this; only the closest family member decided to go which were including his Dad, Sister, Brother, and Grandmother. Every single one of them talked about Derrick’s mother, saying kind and meaningful things about her. The whole event only made Derrick more mad. Everyone has said they were sorry for his mothers death but we’re doing absolutely nothing to help and we’re doing nothing at the time of the death. He had felt guilty and thought they should to. After the funeral he set out to find the killers. At this point Derrick is going to the Lab tomorrow but he must get rest before he goes on since he has been sleep deprived for the last couple days. This night of sleep was the first decent night of sleep in days because Derrick can finally sleep knowing his mother is properly taken care of. After a solid night of rest he goes down to the lab to run the finger prints. He runs the prints through the machine and two names come up and they are names Derrick has never heard before. Joey Limcat and Cameron Geo. The machine says there located out of AZ even though Derrick and his family live in CA. This made Derrick think of what his options were, he can either buy a plane ticket to AZ or let his family and most importantly his mother down. Derrick knows he has to revenge his mother so he looks online and find plane tickets but not ASAP in two weeks he will take off. He must prepare. So the two weeks start with training of guns and fighting skills. He only needs a short amount of time because he has the best physical trainer of all time that he has known since childhood. So Derrick trains, buys and gun, and gets a black belt in martial arts while he’s at it. Derrick goes to the airport and takes off. Derrick had never like flights and on top of that he had to think on the task ahead of him so of course he didn’t sleep on the flight. Any way he finds the the city there in and has to ask everyone that he runs into about these people that have done him wrong. No luck, but finally he stumbles upon a paper taped to his windshield of his rental car that had a picture of two men that said the names of Joey Limcat and Cameron Geo. They had a warrant for there arrest. Now that Derrick knows what they look like the search just got much easier. It’s been 3 days and he hasn’t found them, but one night walking along the streets he saw two men breaking into a house and decided to check it out. Eventually he made it into the house and snuck up on the two men and they noticed Derrick so they turned around and showed their faces to him and to his surprise it was Joey and Cameron. This is where it went down. They all looked at each other. The two men knowing it is the son of the lady because of the similar features. Derrick asks why they did it, and they say because they needed to so they won’t get killed. But Derrick didn’t buy so he did not feel bad. So the battle occured. Derrick pulled out his gun and shot both of the men and killed both of them but not without wounds of his own because they shot back and hit him in his leg,arm, and stomach. He did survive for 36 hours until dying by lack of blood. Even though Derrick died. He dies a  happy man knowing he revenged his mother.

The author's comments:

Creative thinking

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