Red Sky | Teen Ink

Red Sky

May 21, 2018
By Anonymous

Power and headphones on.  I was ready, entering my username, **************, and password, ********.  Before I knew it, I was inside the cockpit of my blue nose p-51 Mustang.  I looked left and nodded to my wingman and ignited my engine. The purr of Merlin engine got me focused.  To my front was the squad leader.  He lurch forward and I closed my eyes and counted the seconds in my head then hit the throttle.  Me and my wingman formed up with the squad, a total of 15.  Our mission was to escort bombers into the heart of Germany.  My guess was they were bombing a production factory of 109s.  With the luftwaffe crippled it would be easier to conduct more bombing raids.  No time to think of the future, focus in the now.  I climbed with my squadron.

Before we were able to reach the bombers, my wingman radioed over about a group of 109s.  A group of 40 heading straight for our bombers.  I broke off with my wingman and looked for the back target. I locked on and let out a burst.  The six .50 cals shredded the cockpit of the 109 and it spun down to earth.  The 109s did exactly what we wanted, they broke.  I quickly rolled left and picked my next target.  Unfortunately the manunvere left me seperated from my wingman and the rest of my group.  I found a group of nine 109s and hit a quick burst on their back guy.  His cockpit burst into flames and bellowed down to the ground.  Immediately, I snapped right and had my sights on another. A burst of my brownings and his plane twirled towards the earth in a blanket of black smoke.  With my head on a swivel, I saw a burst of tracers fly past my bubble.  I pulled my stick into a left turn.  The 109 was right on my tail and I kept pulling into a tighter left turn but the 109 was not about to give up.  Another burst but this time it hit the mark.  My left wing took a few rounds and my plane bucked but I held her tight.  I knew over time the 109 would have his shot again.  In order to have a chance, I cut the throttle and kicked my rudder hard. I swung right around on the tail of the 109.  WIthin one burst, the plane went down and I started to head back home. 

During the whole fight, I used the ammo in four of my guns.  I knew I didn’t have much more the a hundred rounds in my last two.  At 10 o’clock high, I saw a friendly trying to shake a 109 but to no success.  I got behind the the 109 and let lose some lead.  A few critical hits caused him to bail out and my friend was safe. 
I wiggled my tail and we formed up so we could cover each other.  I tried to radio to him but it seemed his got busted during the fight.  My only other option was to wave and get him to follow.  With his busted plane and me out of ammo, it was clear we wouldn’t provide any more support.  The rest of my day was spent returning to base.  Once we got back, we had to give a debriefing of what happened and our score.  It didn’t really matter how many I had, I was just glad I was able to save a friendly and return safe.  The next day would bring the same.  Any day I knew I wouldn’t make it back, everything would just go dark.  But it didn't matter.  Afterall, it was all just a game.  Didn’t matter if I got any kills or helped a teammate.  But I wanted to be the best.  The screen went black and I headed to bed.

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