My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

September 26, 2018
By noelleb GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
noelleb GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In English, my name is simply a group of letters put together. In French, my name simply means Christmas. To receive this name, I was born around the holiday. When some people say my name, it sounds choppy and cut. Like two words smashed into one, an unnatural sound. However, when the other half says it, it sounds like a melody. A song being sung quietly, peacefully. A song that a mother sings to her newborn, hushing it to sleep. I guess it just depends on the person.

Blue surrounds the name. Not dark, but a lighter pale blue. A baby blue, a happy color. Like looking up at the sky on cloudy day, that blue. The one that peeks at you through the white cotton in the sky.

The way it looks on paper is gentle; it flows and looks appealing to the eye. In cursive especially, the letters fit together perfectly. A cluster of loops, the feeling of writing it is exquisite.

It is not an outgoing name, more like a soft whisper. I can be outspoken and loud when around friends, but I can also be a quiet person, reserved and comfortable. Either way I believe that the name suits me.

Noelle. it moves forward nicely. A smooth arrow gliding across the page. However, the more you look at it, the choppier it gets. Like someone stretched it out enough to snap and separate. I look smooth and put together on the outside. On the inside I am anything but. My thoughts are stretched so far apart that I can barely focus on one thing at a time.

Like my name, my mind is separated and choppy.

I don’t believe my name would be what it is if I was born any other time. My mother told me that there were so many different names she wanted to call me. My dad was the ultimate decider. He wanted a more simple name with meaning, not just a word to call myself. I cannot imagine myself with a different name. It suits me for all reasons that are simple. Noelle is a soft whisper, like small lilacs swaying through the wind. A beautiful scene, a luminous sunset. It is a delicate simplicity; I like to imagine I am too.

The author's comments:

This mimics the style of The House on Mango Street excerpt of "My Name." 

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