Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

September 27, 2018
By Gorun02 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Gorun02 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In english, my name means sun child or bright sun. It means down to earth, someone who doesn’t worry about everything. Easy to get along with. Easy to talk to. The color blue. Fluffy in texture. Almost like the clouds in the sky.

The name Sam was of interest 9 months before I was born by my parents. They  thought it would fit me well. They thought the name Sam sounded nice. I was not named after anyone. My parents thought it was right for me. It is short and light. Easy on the tongue.

It reminds me of friendship. My first ever friend, who I met in preschool was named Sam. We had a connection from the start.  We would play at eachothers houses from time to time. It reminds me of happy thoughts. When people say my name, it always sounds nice. Never do I hear my name being said in a negative way.

During Cross Country and Track practice, I am often times called Gomon or GoGo. Referring to my last name, Gomon. The name Sam is very popular, so whenever someone says the name Sam, a few people always look. I like being called other names sometimes because it gives me purpose. It is another way to see myself from a different perspective.

I like my name. I would not change it. Being the person who I am, I shaped the name by my personality. It is easy to say. It is not Samuel, it is just Sam. Short and sweet. When people say my name, I want them to think of a kind hearted guy.

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