My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

September 27, 2018
By sports014 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
sports014 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In English my name means greatest, noble, bright. It represents someone who is a defender. Someone who is truthful. It is like a star or sword. This name is simple and short, but comes with a bigger story.

I was named Allison by my older sister Amy. My name stays near to me because we are close. She liked the sound of the name and it started with an A, like hers. As I grew older, I prefered to be called Alli. Allison was longer and fairly common. I wanted something shorter and more simplistic.  

My name is like a subtle orange. The orange you would find outside your window as you are staring at the sunset. I think of it as something flowful and easy going. Like the breeze you feel against your skin when you walk outside. And it is like the simple curves and lines marked down on a piece of paper.

I never fully thought about how Alli was a unique name. I’ve come to like it more. I like to associate it with strength. A name that is small, but can hold a lot of power. Someone with positive. Having the attitude of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. And determination. A name that associates with someone who resolves and finishes things.

I would like to keep my name. It came from my sister which means something to me. Family is important. Allison can be the name kept on paper and in my family’s hearts. Alli can be the name left on my journey and in the mind of the people who remember me. Alli fits my personality and the meanings behind it. Bright, determined, positive.

The author's comments:

This piece represents my name and what it means to me. 

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