Edible Cubes | Teen Ink

Edible Cubes

November 2, 2018
By Anonymous

The year was 6666, and everyone was jammed. They were not only jammed on the streets but also jammed to the stomach. Nobody was starving. Nobody was too full. This all started with a scientist, Mario, who invented the edible cube. These cubes were everywhere and anyone could get access to it.

People still have problems with these changes. The cube was to make your stomach full of nutrition and the sad part is that they all tasted the same. The law had forbidden the digestion of anything other than these trying to solve global hunger issues.

The major change had made an intelligent man mad enough to start a rebellion group. Dave had always been the smarter one of his family. So smart in fact that the FBI was sent to take him from his parents, Bob and Ana.

Bob and Ana were at the dinner table just talking about how life was going when their assistant came in and started playing a national emergency announcement.

“Dave, Age 21 has escaped his cell. He and his rebellion group should be considered dangerous. If you see this man please report to the government right away.”

There was a sudden bang on the stage and a crowd of rebellions crowded on the stage to announce that they are leaders on the earth.

“I am the emperor, you must do as I say!” Dave cried“I shall now forbid the digestion of cubes.”

He took out a crusher that was filled with cubes and started to crush lots of cubes revealing all the dust-like content.

They started to chant “Dave! Dave! Dave!”

It was at this moment an army of officers came onto the stage to start a fight with the rebels. The fight went on and eventually, both commanders got injured and they ended up starting to talk.

“Why are you even fighting us?” asked Dave

“We don’t even know, my boss told me to come here.” answered the commander

“Well, all we want is to be able to eat real food again.”

“Well, why didn’t you say so”

Both commanders told their people to stop fighting and Dave thanked the commander and they both started to protest against edible cubes.  

A few years later edible cubes were considered illegal.

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