Encounter | Teen Ink


December 10, 2018
By Anonymous

I met Blair at night when I was going for a jog like I normally do through my trail. Our trail backs up to our neighbors house so every now and then you'll see a couple people running on it. I was running with my headphones in but I had thought that I saw something off in the woods. As I looked over to see what it was, Blair ran into me. She came out of nowhere. I stood up and apologized for not seeing her and helped her up. She was beautiful with dark hair and green eyes. I instantly felt something between us. We exchanged names and numbers and kept on our jogs. I got a couple step ahead turned around and she was gone as if she was running 100 miles per hour. When i finally had gotten back to my house i picked up the phone to call her. It rang 4 times before someone finally picked up. On the other side of the phone someone said “who is this”, with a deep scary voice. I replied with, “My name is Belamy, I ran into Blair on my jog this morning and she gave me this phone number to call”. The caller gave a long pause and a couple sniffles before he brought himself to say “My daughter blair has not been here in for 2 years now, she ran away and she's been reported missing but it was an assumed kidnapping. Can you tell me where you saw her?” As I was about to tell him that I ran into her on the trail behind my house something covered my mouth and hung up the phone. I turned around to see blair standing there. I freaked out and asked her how she did that. As i backed away to reach for my phone to call for help, she zoomed her way there and stopped me. She told me that, 2 years ago she was taken by a bad man named Alfred. He took her to a barn like area in Tennessee. He had several dead bodies that almost looked as though they were drained of blood. Alfred was a vampire that was going to kill her till she gained his trust and saved his life. He decided that she was worth sparing but at a price, so he turned her. She has been on the run from a organization that kills them off ever since. Which is why she cant talk to her dad or anyone or she could possibly end of dead, or dissected for science.I sat down on the bed to process this information, I still was in shock at how she could move so fast let alone that she was a blood sucking monster that could possibly kill me at any moment. Even though she was something other than normal i was still occupied with the thought of liking her. She was beautiful yet, something horrible. So kind yet she could drain me of all my blood in seconds.

The author's comments:

This peice is about a teenage boy that encounters and teenage vamprie.

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