letter of embarrassmnent | Teen Ink

letter of embarrassmnent

December 19, 2018
By Anonymous

I always wondered if my parents loved me or gave me up because I wasn't good enough. When I wake up every morning I tell myself I'm worth it all. My name is Sebastian pinkleberry, I've been in foster care all my life. I am 18 years old I am waiting to hear back from the colleges I applied to and this is for my parents of they are still out there.

First and foremost I am thankful you guys put me up for adoption even though I never got adopted I'm still thankful for you guys giving me my best chance. I'm sure it's hard to give your kid up but I've always imagined what you guys are like. I sit and wonder who I look like more my mom or my father, in sure I will never know.

Growing up in the system I've never really had friends, I don't think I'm supposed to because in here you really never know who to trust. But I would like to tell you about this one person who I put all my trust into and in the end they let me down. Back when I was in High School I met this girl name Emily and she was so beautiful but I pushed her away because I was in foster care and I knew she would never love someone like me. And the first day of school she was my tour guide and everyone laughed at me because I didn't know what I was doing I was shy. Emily was different she look past all my flaws.

A couple of weeks I had tried looking for a job and when I got one I had saved enough money. I  had worked up the courage to ask her on a date and she said yes. I feel as though this was the best day of my life. As I walked the Halls I noticed some of the popular dudes we're making noises at me and it made me feel awkward. As if  I was the only one that didn't know about something that was going on. But I kept Walking The Halls like nothing could ever bring me down.

I had planned to take Emily out to a nice restaurant then no one knew about that wasn't too expensive but wasn't too cheap something I thought she would like. That night turned out to be the worst night of my entire life. Instead Emily and I  going out to a restaurant she suggested we go back to her place and swim in the pool I. I was kind of nervous but excited at the same time I thought of Emily as a great person and I would never do anything to harm her.

I should have known something was up from the jump because before anything before any talking before any laughs she kissed me. I didn't notice anybody else in the room but the dudes from school they were all in the room recording her kissing me. Then she backed away and said “ what's wrong is this not your type of party” and laughed. I ran out the door and never looked back. I went to school the next day only to find out the video was posted and that I looked like a coward. Eventually change schools and took this as a lesson that no one could ever be trusted.

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