Warmth | Teen Ink


February 4, 2019
By morgrcat BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
morgrcat BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I smiled as I curled into the soft blades of grass caressing my sun-goldened skin. My hair fluttered over my back as the summer wind danced through the meadow around me- our secret spot. I lazily grinned against the back of my hand as I felt him lovingly corral my scattered strands of hair back behind my ear and place a soft peck on my temple. His kiss felt even warmer than the sunlight gracing over my skin, love warming me from the inside out to mingle with the glittering golden rays.


Now that warmth was only a distant memory.

The author's comments:

This was a small writing activity that was a 100-word flash fiction challenge. I had to find a way to create a story in exactly 100 words and write with a "Sunday Drive" as a rule. I decided to put a kind of twist at the end of it just out of personal preference to give it a little flair. 

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