Name Article | Teen Ink

Name Article

March 1, 2019
By WyomingIsntReal BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
WyomingIsntReal BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Wyoming isn't real" -- Me

In old english, my name stems from the name Gerard. Gerard means ruler with a spear. A violent ruler. there are no other translations. It’s like the color green. Envious and angry. This doesn’t fit mel. I’m still green but not envious. Rather green like a tree sprouting from the Earth, full of life.

My name is uncommon, which I’m glad about. Better than being named john or jack. Then your just one out of a crowd.It also means that people don’t know what to expect. There aren’t many historical people with my name.

My name is like a block of clay. It’s moldable to whatever I need it to be. It can be fun and full of life now, but serious and boring when I am older. It’s also like clay in the way Everyone can play with it. Nobody has difficulty with it. Clay can be smooth and soft. Like a friend trying to get your attention. A sunny day. Or it can be sharp and rough. Like an angry parent yelling, or a thunderstorm.

When I was younger I went by Garry. My full name grew boring. Everyone had a nickname, except me. so I embraced one of the few I had. Looking back on it, I don’t regret it. People would reference a famous fictional snail. You know the one. Telling new people it was Garry. People pointing out that Gary was spelt Gary not Garry. It all became a chore.

I was named after my uncle. He was a gemini. I was born a taurus. I was also born 6 weeks early. If I were to have been born on time I would’ve been a gemini. I think I’m supposed to be a gemini like my uncle. Tauruses are supposed to be reliable. Have an eye for beauty. But I’m very unfashionable. I’d rather have a big vase than a stylish vase. But Gemini are split. A serious side and a fun side. Someone who likes to talk. Yet someone who justs wants to work. Like the color green; an envious side, and a lively growing side.

My middle name comes from my grandfather. He was loved by his son and three daughters. He was a farmer until he grew old. He enjoyed the work, but he enjoyed his family more. Truly a loved man. He was young at heart. He maintained huge green gardens of Lettuce, tomato, mint, basil and parsley. I hope I can be as successful as he was.

All things considered I like my name. Garrett Michael Shattuck. There isn’t anything to judge off. It’s unique. It’s uncommon. It’s like a four leaf clover. It’s like a  It allows me to form an impression rather than being affected by people’s bias predispositions.

The author's comments:

I don't see why this old, outdated, insecure website needs all of this personal information.

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