Short Story | Teen Ink

Short Story

October 10, 2019
By Lauren_Jada SILVER, San Pedro, California
Lauren_Jada SILVER, San Pedro, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the middle of the night I heard a loud bang! I quickly rolled over slipped on my white fuzzy animal slippers and grabbed a flashlight. After I ran out the front door and right into what appeared to be a space ship. I could not believe my eyes . I just stood there for what felt like an eternity. There was no way that this huge object in front of me was a spaceship. Out of all of the lucky people in the world, I was the one who had ran into a huge piece of metal. In my head I was thinking the entire time, NO WAY!!! NOOOO WAYY!!!. 

Once I snapped out of the mental shock of actually walking into a spaceship, I started looking for a way in. There was a door shaped line on my right and a keypad on the left. There was not a single word or letter on the keypad. I decided to press on one of the wordless squares and hoped I would not blow up my neighborhood. There was a loud beep right before the door slid open. Causely I peeked inside before entering while yelling, “HELLO! IS ANYONE HERE?” 

Moments later the door shut behind me and the spaceship began to move. I looked around the room and tried to find a place for me to sit. I wanted to know why humans have an obsession with aliens. Just as the spaceship began to take off I started questioning my brainless decision to abbord an unknown spaceship. What have I gotten myself into?

Having never been on a spaceship, I felt like I needed to prepare myself for the unexpected. As the ship continued to take off, I passed out. The reason behind my sudden lightheadedness is one I still can’t explain. On Earth I had never experienced anything like it let alone actually passing out. I am convinced it was all the excitement and worry of being taken to a place in which is unknown.

When the spaceship stopped moving, I woke up surrounded by a bunch of green aliens. They were all really tall, and had huge black eyes which were all directed at me. At first glance they appeared to be frightening, but one of them handed me a cup of what appeared to be water. Once I accepted the cup of liquid they one by one started walking through these glass sliding doors. 

When I made an effort to stand up one of the aliens said, “Relax. Don’t be in a hurry. There is nowhere safe out there.” 

“Why! What's out there?” I asked. 

“Humans are not welcomed by all. You would run tests on my people and rip us apart,” the alien said in a stern voice.

“Not all us! I just ran into your ship and now I'm stuck on a planet where your people hate me!”

“You are safe here! Something is wrong with the ship so until then you're stuck!” said the alien before storming out through the glass sliding door.

Frustrated I layed back down. I wanted to scream or cry, but I just layed there. The only thing I kept wondering was if anyone noticed I was gone, and very time I was reminded that looking for me made no difference. I was no longer anywhere located on earth.

Hours later I heard the sliding door open, but I made no attempt to move. “I’m sorry. I took my frustration out on you when I shouldn’t have”, the alien from before said. 

“By the way the name’s, Liam,” he added.

“Well Liam, thank you for not killing me,” I said sarcastically.

He replied amused, “Whatever be a stick in the mud. It's not like you’re stuck here or anything.”

Liam’s first impression wasn’t great, but I can’t totally blame him for being upset. I was the one who invited myself onto his ship. So I felt like he wasn’t the only one that needed to apologize. “I know this doesn’t help much, but I shouldn’t  have came onto the ship. I do remember you saying that there was something broken. While I know nothing about spaceships, I think I might be able to help. On earth I go by Brooklyn, just thought that since I know your name you should know mine.”

“While I love this new Brooklyn, I'm not sure how you can help.”

“Take me to the source of the problem and I will do everything I can to help you,” I said then motioned toward the glass sliding doors.

Liam took me straight to the source of the problem and brought all the tools he could find. Looking at the heart of the spaceship I was in awe. The heart of the spaceship was beautiful, everything was so shiny and perfect. Once I began looking at all the parts, I quickly was able to determine why the ship wasn’t working. All that needed to be done was to replace the starter, clean the motor and fix the small issue with the temperature regulator. I was surprised that Liam could not figure this out, but I was grateful to have looked upon such an amazing piece of technology. The whole time I was talking, nerd Liam was giving me a weird look and not because of his huge eyes. Most of the human males I encountered on earth are creeped out by engineer talk, while Liam didn’t mind. I knew that now the ship is fixed I have to go back, but apart of me would have loved to stay with Liam. “Hey, I finished the issues you were having,” I said, trying to hide my disappointment. 

Spending the past days with Liam, I had never been happier. Thinking of returning to my old life was making me wish that I took longer to fix the ship. Liam had shared that there was a place in which humans were welcome, but they would spend the rest of there life amongst the aliens. He talked of all the beautiful things there were and the purple bubble flowers. I wanted to ask to stay with him and never go back to earth. While that's what I truly wanted I said nothing, in fact I would often mentally drift off. Liam and this weird planet he calls home was one I wanted to make mine permanently. Liam yelled, “We’re about to cross atmospheres. Earth buckle up!” 

I didn’t respond but followed his lead. It didn’t take long before we landed and said our farewells. But right as he was about to close the ship and blast off into space he stopped. Liam said, “I.. I thought you should have this…” 

I looked down to see an alien phone he told me to keep it in case I ever needed it. Liam didn’t have a chance to get back on the ship before I used it. My only words were “I’m going where you go”.

We hop back onto the spaceship and I have never looked back. 2,000 years later and there is no other place I would go because the purple flowers there won’t make bubbles.

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