Imagery | Teen Ink


October 28, 2019
By Anonymous

He lay on the couch, his long, blond hair covering his face, his collared t-shirt covered in pizza sauce stains. Overdue bills, dirty laundry, beer bottles, and Taco Bell wrappers lay scattered around the room. The only piece of value that he owned was his tv, and that too was barely worth anything. The TV played an old episode of Wheel of Fortune, though no one was paying attention. As dawn broke, the sun shone through the clouds, casting a vibrant yellow into the room. The dark, gloomy room was now filled with life. “Ring!” “Ring!” Ring!” He cursed his alarm, and slowly got up. He stumbled around the cluttered room, picking up an old beer bottle. He tried to drink from it, but to his dismay it was empty. Angry, he chucked the bottle at the wall, yelling as it broke into fragments. Piece of shattered glass lay in the room. He grabbed an old, torn up, brown leather bag with white stains on it and stumbled out of his dingy apartment.

The author's comments:

I am trying to practice imagery

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