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October 31, 2019
By PrincessPancakes2020 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
PrincessPancakes2020 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We arrive to the funeral home earlier than most . I walk up the steps to open the door and feel  a shiver down my spine . Dylan grasps my hand , then we walk inside . His usual half smirk turns into a deep frown . We walk into the church that has Dylan’s grandfather’s  picture above it . I am the only one thinking so I grab him a memorial card , I know it will be something he will keep forever . We keep walking to meet up with his mom , and run into his sister and niece .  His mom leads us to the seats behind the pallbearers. Dylan walks up to his grandfather’s casket with sadness falling out of his eyes , I stay with his mom . He gets back and I attempt to comfort him until the end of the funeral . We leave at the end and hug everyone in sight . I bet Mr. Wayne was a special guy . 

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