Invention of Imagination | Teen Ink

Invention of Imagination

November 1, 2019
By isabellehaakonson BRONZE, Albany, Minnesota
isabellehaakonson BRONZE, Albany, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If I could invent anything in the world it would be something that would keep imagination alive. Imagination is a very important part of everyone’s lives. I remember it as if I was looking through a crystal ball. It started when I was five and played with my imaginary friend in my room. Then all of a sudden I was seven, thinking that I was flying to the moon. As I grew older I played spies with my younger siblings and tried to steal the crown from the queen. Now I am sixteen and I still use my imagination every day. At times I will imagine that I am on a beach with the hot rays of sun washing over my pale body. Other times I imagine as though I am far away from the world, in a different galaxy, swimming with the astroids. Everyone has a sense of imagination, no matter how old or young you are. 

There is a problem when it comes to humanity and their connection with their imagination. I feel like humanity is really focused on the money, and making sure that you have the best of everything. With my invention the main focus would be living your life to the fullest. Making sure that people would get to make memories instead of sit at the office eight hours a day staring at a computer screen. Families would get to go out and act as if they are on a secret mission sent by the government.

My invention would come in a liquid form and would have natural ingredients in it too so that it wouldn’t be unhealthy for your body. It would have serving sizes dependent on the age that you are. The best part about this invention is that it would be all psychological. There really isn’t anything in this liquid that would make your imagination just pop into your brain. You would get the imagination on your own. You still have the imagination in your brain, it just takes a second for you to realize it. 

One of the negative effects for my invention would be that people could get lost in their imagination. What I mean is that people might end up focusing more on the fun of their imagination that they may forget that they have a family that they need to take care of. Another problem would be that people may possibly take a larger dose that what the bottle says and they may think that it would make them have more imagination than what it has. The person would then act as if they were somewhere else for a longer period of time because their brain would say so. There would need to be a balance of imagination and reality. 

I feel like my invention would benefit a lot because as people grow older they tend to feel as if work and money are the top priorities. If you’re at a job that you don’t even like then why even work there. A lot of people are at jobs that they can’t stand, but continue to stay there because of the money that they are making. In fifty years, those people will start to regret the job that they chose and the reason that they stayed there. It is important to remember that money is temporary, while memories last forever. 

The author's comments:

I am a sixteen-year-old that goes to high school. This piece has a place in my heart. 

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