Eternal Atake, The Lost Tapes | Teen Ink

Eternal Atake, The Lost Tapes

December 18, 2019
By Andrea_Ortiz SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
Andrea_Ortiz SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The day Earth was destroyed I lost everything. My family, the future I had planned and like everybody else, my happiness was gone too. It is quite scary to think about how everyone I know depends on what we call and know as Eternal Atake. It's almost as if this little thing we call, Eternal Atake holds everyone's happiness together and keeps everyone united as one. Black, white, or brown didn't matter. Gay, straight, or bi didn't matter much either, we used to be all one. A man we call Capo is the one we blame. He stole Eternal Atake for his own purposes, such as wanting to rule the world and end all of humanity's existence. Capo captured Symere Woods while planet Earth was dying, it's almost as if he planned the end of the world for his own master plan. Everyone is sure that Symere is somewhere near but my senses tell me that he is somewhere far away, somewhere not even in the universe. 

I wander off into the field of hills, daydreaming about the future I had set out before the Earth died, I end up walking up the steepest of hills and fields of pasture after following a strange dog the size of a horse. Its slick fur shimmering in the sun. It is said that if any animal on planet Sy leads you somewhere it is because there is something it needs you to see. Eventually the horse dog stops and sits down.

“Break time?” I say as look around to see where the horse dog has lead me to. “There's nothing here, were you just messing with m-” my eyes land on what seems like an abandoned shack. I might just be imagining such a thing in the middle of nowhere, I rush to it as if it were about to disappear any minute now.  I get to the wooden door of the shack, it creaks as I open it slowly, splinters of wood scratch against my soft fingertips. It's pitch black, no windows, no light switch, all that is on my mind is the stench of old wood and metal. My eyes land directly on a flashing red light, almost blinding me of vision. It seems to be some type of radio transmitter, a stern yet uneasy voice starts to play out of nowhere, almost like this person was waiting for my arrival. The old radio begins to speak…

 “Everyone here at Planet Sy is only here because the Earth blew up and everything from technology to 95% of the people did not make it. Now of course, this was all Capos fault. Capo had found a way into an alternate universe and once he figured this out, he decided it was time for all of humanity to come to an end, except for one person, Uzi, who you probably know by Symere or Mister woods. He was one of those that just wanted to solve the problems of the earth with happiness and a little shoulder dance. Which I for one could care less about but watching these humans look so emotionless without him and the lost tapes or what they call, Eternal Atake, it almost makes me feel for them. They don't see the beauty in Planet Sy. This planet is beautiful, full of nature and landscapes that artists would have never imagined creating through their art. The animals are extraordinary some have 3 legs some have 1, some are rainbow colored and some are a shiny silver. The colors here are vibrant with emotion but there is something missing, happiness. I am getting ahead of myself now, I apologize, For I have not yet introduced myself. I am Thugger. Yes, that is me. I created this planet. I created the alternate universe, yes, the same exact universe Capo and Uzi have escaped to. Now what the humans don't know, is that Capo and Uzi had worked together before, this may not make sense to you now but listen and you will see. This secret I'm going to reveal is something you cannot, and I repeat, cannot tell any of those humans. They will be heartbroken with mistrust and grieve themselves to the end of their own lives. Capo is-” His voice cuts off as the recording turns to static and blows a fuse. 

Thugger wakes up from a daze, confused and trembling, he sits up but finds his hands shackled to his feet. He turns around and notices Symere staring him down with eyes as red as a burning flame in the middle of a hot summer, he rubbed his hands together gracefully with a smirk on his face, almost as if he himself was a hyena stalking its prey.

 “Well well well, I'm going to act surprised but I had only the strongest guess we would end up meeting one final time.” Capo says with serenity and confidence.

“Where is Symere and what did you do to him?!” Thugger exclaims worried stiff. Thugger already knows what happened to the real symere. He knows that Capo and Symere are the same person, if he told Capo he knew, Capo would end his life in a heartbeat.

“You see, Symere had the most ludicrous idea that I was undeniably against, therefore I got rid of him. Oh! but don't worry it'll just save me the trouble.” Capo assured Thugger as if he had never been uncertain about a thing in his life. 

“Poor Symere thought I, Capo wanted to help save the earth, What an idiot am I right?” Capo continued to speak as if he had what he was going to say planned out and recited for years. 

As Capo continues to talk, Thugger notices the lost tapes from the corner of his eye, sitting on top of a shelf, Thugger decides this is his chance to make a run for the tapes. He races to the shelf and puts all his grip on the tapes but feels instant regret when he remembers they were coated with a spell of ultimate death for whoever touches it without granted permission, Thugger feels his body gradually grow feeble as his soul turns to a coal-black and instantly diminishes he hears capo faintly laughing hysterically behind him as he falls on his back and closes his eyes for eternity.

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