name essay | Teen Ink

name essay

January 13, 2020
By gruhland BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
gruhland BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In English my name means faith and hope. In latin it means lovely or graceful. A virtue. My name is like a soft or pastel blue, a very pretty and relaxing color, not something that’s too boring or dull, but reassuring when you see it. My name is like the sound of waves crashing on the rocks. Something that could put you to sleep because the sound is soothing like a lullaby to a baby. 

My name comes from my grandma’s. My parents decided to use their initials to come up with my name: G and V. Garnet and Valletta. They were going to combine the two names together, but it sounded bad so they just went for the first initial. 

The first name was picked out pretty easily but they couldn’t think of a middle name that suited the first, until my mom was talking to one of her coworkers at the time whose daughters name was Victoria and she fell in love with it.

My parents wanted to name me after my grandparents because they are both very strong women and wanted me to take after them. 

 Something I have in common with the both of them is our love for animals, they both feed the animals in the yard as if they were their own pets. My one grandma has cats but my other one only wishes she could have a pet, but sometimes they can be too much.

My name is said to be a popular one, though I don’t hear it often at school or in the community, it’s not a very rare name but I’ve been told my names sounds very regal My name makes me seem fancy, put together, and well kept. I can be at times like at school. But I might seem like I’m not there because I sit in the back and don’t say much, at other times I can seem like that noise you can hear but can’t get rid of.

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