My sad love story | Teen Ink

My sad love story

November 2, 2020
By Anonymous

My last relaionship had been for 3 years. My mom and dad don't talk to me anymore they hate me. People always seem to ask me why I cover up my arms but i don't seem to answer them... My ex boyfriend I thought was a perfect guy was truly not he hurt me so bad in a way i cannot seem to explain my life has been so hard after this break up. My heart is pounding just writing about this he broke up with me because he was in love with my ex- bestfriend... He did not seem to care about me at all so I started to cut and I still do because I have no one special in my life and no one to love and care about me I still cut because of my anxiety and depression and how I feel about myself... 


I loved him so much and he took that for granted like I was just a toy or something and now I feel like no one will ever like me or love me I just get so nervous around guys but I know I need a guy to love me but I don't know who will because most guys say I'm ugly and don't deserve them and it makes me feel like I'm not good enough, pretty enough, Sweet enough, or anything enough for guys... I just need soemone to love me for me and I don't know who would... 

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