Manipulation | Teen Ink


April 8, 2021
By AdanneYeboah BRONZE, Bethesda, Maryland
AdanneYeboah BRONZE, Bethesda, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

God, I hate being in this baby body. Why are they talking to me like that? I’m a baby, not brain dead. I’ll eat my food normally; I don't need an “airplane”. I wish they’d stop switching the channel to Teletubbies. I want to know more about the Covid vaccine everyones been talking about. I swear if another adult gets all in my face and squeezes my cheeks I'm going to kill someone. Ever heard of personal space? The thing I hate the most, is nap time. I don't want to be forced to sleep. I’ll decide when I'm tired . . . which is kind of often to be honest. I don't like to admit it, but after I scream and cry in defiance- the second my head hits the pillow, I doze off. I also love having my diaper changed, which sounds weird at first but I only poop in my pants so these adults have to smell it. The looks on their faces? Priceless. Apart from those, I get treated like royalty,  and I never have to lift a finger. Plus I’m cute. Which just makes manipulation so much easier. 

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