life's cure | Teen Ink

life's cure

October 14, 2021
By ks0291959 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
ks0291959 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What would society be like if people could actually die? What if the villains of the past were dead? What if society was different? My name is Charlie and I grew up in a society where overpopulation, immortality, and dictation was normal. 

          According to history, the only person who has died was a guy named Blake. People rumoured that what killed him is unknown, of course that was over two fifty years ago. As for our political stance, we are under a dictatorship. We have no rights or freedoms. Charlie was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard  the news switch on “BREAKING NEWS, 27 year old William Johnson found dead this morning in a back alley and in critical condition.  Sources say he was last seen at meadow cafe with-”  Her attention was turned when her friend Rose spoke, “how many times do you think we have to “die” to be dead?” she thought for a second, “if anyone did actually die, then I wouldn’t be surprised if HE has anything to do with it.’’ But what neither of the girls knew was the walls had ears “retrieve them’’ sailed a cold stern voice. Hours later, small rays of moonlight poured in the room and onto their closed eyes. When both girls woke up,they were on a cold-hard cell floor. “Where are we?’’ asked rose. Charlie sat up “I believe” she paused “We are in a cell’’ she said in a groggy voice. She turned to look at the bars “what do you want?’’ the man smirked 

      “To answer sweet and naive Roses question.’’ both girls pause “what question?”  he pretended to think “what was the question again, ah right, ‘how many time do we have to die to be dead’ was it?’’ Both girls started panicking as he walked closer with a syringe in hand. He grabbed Rose's shoulder and injected the serum. She suddenly started shaking with a blood curdling scream. Charlie panicked, “what did you do to her?’’ he chuckled slowly. “It took me years to perfect it but it has happened, I created a cure to life, one that will end all humanity after mass production. Once injected this ‘cure’ will tear apart your insides faster than you can heal, a slow and painful death.” he turned his back towards her facing the table a few feet away. While he was turned, she untied her restraints and crept up behind him. As she crept he grabbed another syringe and turned, surprised by her location he stumbled back allowing her to snatch the syringe out of his hand taking advantage of his loss of balance, and struck him with the ‘cure’ he had grabbed. 

       Enjoying the screams of the fallen man she broke the window at the top of the basement wall and slipped out. Once out, she stumbled across a forgotten bonfire. She scoped out her surroundings before picking up a piece of dimly lit firewood and reheated the flame before throwing it at the wooded building. Satisfied with the building fire she walked off into the woods, with the knowledge of what Hitler had successfully created, death.

The author's comments:

everyone in society is immortal intil a certian someone finds a way to make them...mortal?

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