uneducated | Teen Ink


October 15, 2021
By Anonymous

 If we didn't have school the world would have taken longer to progress, but it wouldn't be a total disaster.   Homeschool would be normal except of course homeschooling wouldn't be called homeschooling, it probably would be called “School Learning” or something different.   Most kids meet their first friends at school, however kids wouldn't have many friends until they go out or gain independence.  Also if we didn't have school we would probably see kids more active and going outside more.    

One day as Maverick and Burkly were at home they were doing their work and they were discussing their work.  Maverick told Burkly that it was hard to do the work without anyone explaining it.  They were looking for a tutor.  They found a guy named Harvard. Harvard was a man that was tall, with glasses, he wore a suit.  Maverick talked to Harvard to see if he would like to tutor them.  Harvard was hesitant about tutoring them, because they didn't want to get in trouble. Eventually Harvard decided to teach them and many others who wanted to learn more than what they could on their own.    

The author's comments:

This story is about how would life be if we didnt have or go to school.

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