Are You Scared? | Teen Ink

Are You Scared?

January 12, 2022
By DeliaAldrich BRONZE, Lapeer, Michigan
DeliaAldrich BRONZE, Lapeer, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.”
― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games
“There's some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.” ― J. R. R. Tolkien

At night you rest. Your bed, the safe peace of your home…
 You take the pan off of the stove. You ready a plate and a glass of orange juice. You put your shoes on and fix your clothes. After that you leave and turn on the car, opening the door and shutting it loudly. A bold slam as it closes. Before you leave you look at the house door like every other day. “Did I remember to lock the door?” you ask yourself out loud. Then as always you smirk and nod and then as you drive away you remind yourself shakefuly “It's a small town, It’s okay.” But is it?...

You get to work and there you start to tigher yourself around the earlyer bit of the middle of the day. The work day ends and you come back home to the smell your home always has held. Warm, soft and bright. The smell of peace and welcoming. A smell of commfort. You go to the kitchen and find that the mice have been at it again. You set out even more traps and clean the mess. But is it really them? You ready dinner so relaxed and a happy smell of comfort and joy fills your home. Soon comes that feeling of being watched. Again you ignore it. “It's fine.” you say but are you sure it is? You eat and eat. Drink and drink. Soon you turn on the tv and an hour later you start to feel drowsy, so you get in the shower. When you go to the bathroom you find the tub still wet from the night before. You ignore it once again and you get in the shower. You feel the heat dripping down your back. Drip...drip..drip……drip…….drip......drip…. Your grime flows off of you, falling to the shower floor. Your wet feet slap across the wet floor adding more water to the wet of condensation already on the tiles. Looking for the brush and it seems to have moved again. When you find the brush you brush so smoothly and quickly. You put the warm comfort of clothes on your back. You go to brush your teeth and find your brush still not dried. Then you go to bed. You lay down your head and your pillow for a soft and immediate relief from thoughts of stress like the high water and electric bill. You put yourself under the safety of your covers. Are you safe? Little do you know each day I watch. 

A New Perspective.

Watching...Watching…I'm watching… Everyday when you’re gone I hither and slither down from my cold dusty dark mildewy abandoned attic home. I eat your foodI drink your water  and take your brush, I groom my hair. I put my clothes in your washer and I use your dryer. They clean my clothes grime like they do yours.

I turn your shower on. I let your soap cover me like it covers you. Your conditioner moistens my hair. Your warm water hits me, washing away my dead skin, losing hairs, dirt, sweat, crumbs, cobwebs.  All over the grime trickles down me to the shower floor mixing with yours. The towel you use to dry your body now dries mine. My body dampens it. I take your brush and put it through my hair thinking of your gorgeous long locks of hair. I empty your toothpaste onto our brush covering it like your blanket does for you at night. My clothes are now warm so so warm and so very clean like you at night.

Maybe I'll use your TV or take in the feeling and smell of that pillow you use so much at night. That brings you so, so, so, so much comfort and relief at night. When you come home I’ll find myself slithering back into my cobwebbed attic home. I leave the ladder open slightly. I still remember when you said you liked the open concept that lets me watch you when you moved in. You never seem to close any of the doors to the rooms of the house. Why would you? You live alone….? I watch you cook. You seem to like eggs like I do. You have them each meal.

You walk over to the pot and boil water. Are you readying a drink?  It seems as if you are! Is it tea? My mother used to make tea for me when my siblings and I were in trouble to say sorry for what our father would do.  I take in the smell. Fresh ham…it smells so good like a sweet cup of honey with a salty tang behind it. Does it taste good? I love eggs and ham. Oh and with tea, it must go down so very nicely. Have you read that child's book about it? It's a good one even though it's for children.

I watch as you go to the shower. Steam comes out of the bathroom as you wash the dirt and grime off of yourself. It mixes with what's left of mine. I can hear your wet footprints as you search for your brush. You find it and slowly move it through your hair. You get your toothbrush. I hear you question “How is it that this thing never dries?”  You now grab your towel. You seem so sad that it's still damp. I watch you sit at the dining table. Papers spread across it. “ How are these so high!?” you question “ I shower every other day. I use as little water as I can with everything. This bill seems so high. I've already spent so much on food that is seemingly disappearing. The electric bill is so high and I'm not even home half the day!” You seem so stressed. It makes me sad if only I could help you. You take a break. You sit at the tv. I watch you relax. The news said that tonight it will rain. It gets cold when it rains. Will your blankets of comfort protect you tonight? An hour passes and you begin to yawn. I watch as you walk to your room. 

I watch as you lay down to rest. Laying your head down on that pillow of yours waiting for it to take the stress and annoyance of the day away. Just waiting for it to bring you somewhere  far, so so far away. It seems to bring you so much comfort as you lay waiting for sleep to wash you away. You cover yourself with blankets so soft and warm. Relief spreads across your face. You feel safe and at home. You set the alarm on your phone. You turn to your side and close your sleepy hazel eyes. I watch you calm and your breathing seems to slow. Soon you enter a deep sleep and your thoughts of the day wash away. You feel and seem so safe. Now I come down. I watch you. You shift in your sleep. My senses take you in. I smell you. I hear you. I taste your air. I feel you. You look and feel so safe. So unafraid. 

Maybe I'll do it tonight… When you are the safest, seem the safest. Or maybe I'll just go back to bed? Like I do every night. Or maybe I'll find it in myself to finally do it and get it over with. When you feel so very very safe. When you feel unafraid like nothing in the world could happen to you. Like nothing in the world in the universe could go wrong. When you feel so comfortable and at home. I might just do it tonight. Maybe I really will. When you seem so at peace. Like there's nothing to be scared of. Maybe I'll just….whisper in your ear. I think I might just go ahead and do it tonight. It just feels so right. Yes, I think it really is time. It's time. I'm doing it. Yes, let me grab the stuff for it. I'm gonna do it tonight…So, are you scared?

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