To my future self | Teen Ink

To my future self

January 21, 2022
By corinna_lang1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
corinna_lang1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To my future self. First before I give you advice, I just want to say “Hey, how are you?” Ok, my number one advice would have to be please live your life. You only get one. You're not living it well if you're always in your room or never hanging out or staying In on the weekends or doing homework. There are so many people in this world who waste their days away doing homework and nothing else for what, to be the smartest in the class or for a piece of paper at graduation. For me it's not worth it. I am very big on this because I want to look back at my childhood when I am older and say “dang she really lived”. 

When I'm older I want to live on an island and have a beach house without having to worry about homework, school or college. I only want to worry about if the ocean is going to be cold or hot that day. When I am older I would like to have a husband and 3 kids, two boys and one girl. My other dream when I am older is to be in the Behavioral aAnalysis Unit.a I have wanted to be part of the FBI for a while but it takes a lot of work to get into the FBI and I would rather live on the beach somewhere far, than stressing about if I'm going to get in or staying up late doing work. 

Something I would like to say about being 16 and writing this I wish someone told me to slow down and don't take life too fast, it can be over in the blink of an eye. I wish someone told me to do a better job, I feel like I'm up to my knees in trying to do my best. I hope you are living your best life right now with or without a boyfriend. I hope you are still vlogging and posting videos on social media because when you were younger that was your favorite thing to do. I also hope you are staying out late, blasting music with the windows down, hanging out with family and friends and most importantly having fun.


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