Costa Rica | Teen Ink

Costa Rica

March 17, 2022
By Anonymous

The rain was insane when my team arrived at the airport. We were soaking wet, wearing our jerseys. Lightning flashed outside and thunder roared. We checked our bags, went through security and headed to our gate. I’m so excited! But after I found my gate I learned that our plane was going to be delayed for three hours because of the storm. So my team hung out and played card games. Finally the storm slowed and we were able to board. I couldn’t believe that we were actually going to another country to play soccer and do humanitarian work. 

This first plane was heading to Los Angeles, so it was only about an hour and a half. The lights dimmed and we took off. Once we landed. Someone on the intercom said “ We’d like to welcome the soccer team! They took first in their division and are on their way to play in an international tournament in Costa Rica!” The whole plane started cheering for us and it was one of the greatest moments of my life! I felt like I was dreaming.

But as soon as we got to the LA airport the storm started again, and just like before our plan was delayed. What was with this ominous weather? It was almost like it was trying to tell me something. Once we could board the plane from Los Angeles to Costa Rica felt super long. It took six hours. It was in the middle of the night so with the lights off you couldn't see anything.  And I still wasn't able to sleep at all.

Once we landed I followed my team outside the airport. The air was hot and humid. But again as soon as we got outside the rain started. I couldn’t believe it, it was like the weather followed us to this other country. There was a huge black bus there to pick us up. I sat next to Ty and Isaac. Isaac threw up about an hour in and Ty fell asleep. So clearly I was having the time of my life. I fell asleep for about 20 minutes and then we kept driving and driving. After about four hours we finally made it to the hotel. 

The hotel was beautiful with a huge pool and a super fun water slide. It also had a futsal court, and two soccer fields lit up with bright lights. We all met in the lobby and put together gifts for girls we were going to visit at an orphanage. I helped pack them each a pillowcase full of toys and candy. When we got to the orphanage the nuns thanked us for coming. Then they lead us into a room to meet the girls. They were the cutest little girls I’d ever seen! I didn't know much Spanish but I was able to introduce myself and have small conversations. 

We put in a whole new roof on their orphanage and repainted inside and outside and fixed their lights and made them brighter. But when we finished painting several trees fell down so we  did a ton of gardening work as well because the outside of the orphanage now looked like a jungle. 

After visiting the Orphanage it was time to get ready for our game. I put on my new white Belo soccer uniform, and drove to the stadium. The stadium I was playing in was a professional stadium. Lit up by huge spot lights. I’d never played anywhere like this in my life. The turf was amazing and so nice. The orphans even came to watch us.They ran over to me and gave me and my team hugs. As we were walking around the stadium, a woman came up to us and asked if she could take a picture with us! It was so crazy I’d never felt so famous in my life. 

When we started warming up I realized how hot it was. I was already soaked with sweat before the game started. But then once again the rain started. The rain had not been a good sign lately so I was worried about what was going to happen. As captain of my team I had the opportunity to be in the first one on the field and meet the refs and the captain of the other team. The ref told us which side we were starting on and told us to get out teams ready in the tunnel.

I could feel the cold concrete on the side of my arm, telling me we were underground. It was super dark. The tunnel went back further than I’d expected it to. It was enough for my entire team to stand in a line and still have extra space in the front. The opposing team was lined up on my right in a line similar to ours. We were all pretty squished and going crazy with excitement. The air was hot and humid, but with so many people crammed together, it was only getting hotter. I felt sick to my stomach. There were so many butterflies flying around inside it. I was scared. But I couldn’t be, there were two things that mattered: winning and playing as a team. This is what we had been working towards this whole time.

We could hear the crowd cheering somewhere above us and could feel the vibrations from people walking, running, and yelling. It was late at night, but there were small lights lighting the tunnel all the way into the back. Just enough that we could see each other's faces. The other team kept saying words in Spanish that I couldn't understand. I accidentally hit someone's ankle. Someone stepped on my foot. But we were ready.

 I was in the very back of the tunnel. I could just make out the opening of the entrance. I could see the fresh green grass. It looked so healthy and perfect. You’d think no one had ever set foot on it. It was just waiting for us to be the first. Behind the grass I could see the seats in the stadium, all full of cheering people. Parents and friends who’d come with us, as well as many strangers who’d just come to see us play. There were huge lights lighting up the field and the entire stadium. They were ready out there too.

Music started playing. Loud music. Everyone in the tunnel went silent. Someone outside the tunnel was speaking. But it was Spanish again so I couldn’t make out any words. Next, the front of the lines started moving, walking out the tunnel. I was nervous. My heart was a drum set, pounding in my chest. It felt like it was going to fly away. I was in the back of the tunnel waiting to be able to move forward. When finally, after what felt like hours I was able to start to walk forward. One step. Two steps. Three. Now we were running. I've almost made it. 

As soon as I reach the end a cold breeze hits my face, thunder and lighning light up the sky, the music is still loud. But there's cheering. So much cheering. As I look around I can’t believe how many people I can see. They were all here to see us play. None of us had ever played in front of so many people before. Adrenaline is surging through my body. I’m sweating. The air feels as if it's sticking to my body. The rain is soaking through my body. I look up past the lights shining as bright as the sun. I can see tons of stars. It's beautiful. As we walk onto the field the wet grass feels soft under my feet. We stand in a line as they play the National Anthem over the speakers. Then we get ready to start. I’m nervous but excited. I check my cleats, make sure my hair is pulled back tight, and get a drink of cold water. 

Now we cheer, as loud as we can. To let them all know who we are. We gather in a circle and put one arm in. “Belo soccer on three…” someone said quietly. “One…Two...Three!” Then in unison we all shout, “Bello soccer!” We ran out to our positions on the field. Waiting for the ref to blow his whistle. I look around at all my teammates, every face staring back at me with a little fear but still determined. The ref walks onto the field. I hold my breath and get ready to take off running. He raises the whistle to his lips. I breathe in, then out. He blows the whistle. And finally the game in the rain began.

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