Should children allowed to have their own mobile phones or not ? | Teen Ink

Should children allowed to have their own mobile phones or not ?

April 5, 2022
By bakhtawar_abid255 PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
bakhtawar_abid255 PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
37 articles 6 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
The Best & the most beautiful things in this world can't be seen or even heard,
but must be felt with the Heart.❤️

Nowadays, many children are allowed to have their own mobile phone very young ages, according to some parents keep in touch with them easily whenever they are out of home. But they don't aware the side effects of mobile phone.
some parents said mobile phones are allowed to the children in any age, early age is not a big issue because it's necessary having a mobile phone in this era so that, we can easily keep in touch and aware about our children wherever they are.
but some parents said children are not allowed to have mobile phones in young age. They should be mature first so that they use their phones in a proper way. If parents allowed phones early age so children misuse their phones and far away their studies and goals too.
according to the positive point parents allow mobile to the children in young age it doesn't mean they spoil their children's future. The reason is that their children go to the school very far from the home sometimes they got late to reach the home so at this time their parents easily approach children just because of today's circumstances some parents allowed mobile phones to the children.
according to the negative point some parents said that children are not allowed to have their own mobile phones just because of social media and various of bad things. If we permit their children are habitual to use mobile phones a lot and distract from study and keep on using mobile phones as well as go towards the drawbacks

The author's comments:

This piece of writing belong to the advantages and disadvantage of mobile phones

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