The party girl | Teen Ink

The party girl

September 8, 2023
By jc0308613 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
jc0308613 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A slender subversive tries to rob a young women but only to find bones outside of their body it matters to the story because its saying it left her shocked it made her bones be outside of her body there where a lot of things happening they have made no attempts to solve the problem the young lady knows who’s body it is, she examen the body carefully and starts to look closely and it turns out it was her best friends body that was laying there and then she started to scan where she was and noticed there where three tree trunks for snagged fleece. The setting is a school bathroom and leads to a house party and inside a girls dream about her best friend murdering her. So now her and her companions go on a journey to find who murdered the person outside of the pool and they put together a search party to investigate who is guilty for the death of her best friend so they start to look around the area to find if they see anything that’s not supposed to be there and they start searching around her body first and expand into the woods and around the party so they look around and they find one clue which is a football jacket and they went to school the next day and went directly to the footballers locker room and asked every single one of them whose jacket it is.

The author's comments:

this is a mysterious story with lots of action and questions

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