The Resources | Teen Ink

The Resources

September 11, 2023
By at0388002 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
at0388002 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Desolate, barren, and harsh words can describe the Earth right now. This place has almost lost its inherent life because there is only one place that still maintains a green life. That is the old tree in the middle of the field. Suddenly, the roots of that tree penetrated the ground and gradually spread everywhere. The miracle is that wherever the roots of the tree spread, the creatures in that place gradually come to life. Those animals slowly regained their breath. This place is slowly becoming alive again. Dinosaurs are the dominant species. They are many and have many species. Yet they live in harmony with each other. As they slowly awoke again from the dead, they found a tree radiating ceaseless light in the middle of the unspoiled field. Then they realize this saved their lives, the entire ecosystem, and even this Earth. Some dinosaurs laugh, cry, and freeze in surprise because they are so surprised that they can't believe their eyes. There are many emotions here. These dinosaurs build and re-develop this place together and also take turns taking care of and protecting that tree. Start cleaning up debris everywhere. Make use of caves to make temporary houses. Cultivation, watering plants, and rebuilding houses quickly are almost finished. Because of the unity and harmony of the dinosaurs, they were about to finish rebuilding their abode.

“Dad! Look, I found something!” Suddenly, Scott, a baby dinosaur, came running with a thick old book that said his father was Shawn, who was said to be the leader of this dinosaur tribe. Shawn frowned slightly and turned to see what his son wanted to show. At a glance, he saw an illustration that resembled a tree that his tribe was carefully taking care of every day. He quickly took the book from his son. “Where did you find it?”. He read it carefully, looking as if he were afraid to miss some important information from the magic tree. “I found them by accident while looking for stuff in the library over there”, Scott said. The more he read, the more Shawn's face gradually changed from disbelief to excitement to concern. He hurriedly asked his son to help him tell everyone to gather, and then he pivoted around and gathered everyone.

Around there are many dinosaurs with many species. They didn't understand why the leader suddenly gathered like that. “Alright everyone, I just found some important information about the tree we are planting over the days”. Shawn said. The dinosaurs began to stir and be curious about Shawn's statement. Shawn opened and put the book in front of them and started expounding. “This tree has a strange power. It can help everything to gradually return to its original state with its power. We live again thanks to the power of this tree. We rebuild and develop rapidly, thanks in part to it. It can do so much more with its energy. But…”. He hesitated. "Because of such incredible power, it would be dangerous to fall into the wrong hands. We don't know what they will do to this tree, what terrible things they will do." Everyone nodded to show their understanding and left silently. They continued their daily work.

Day by day, everything is going smoothly. The dinosaurs there kept an eye on the tree more, protecting and taking care of it more carefully. One day, the oldest dinosaur was Helen, who nervously told a story to a group of people around her. She said it was a broken dream. She saw the earth return to the wild, lifeless like before. In Particular, someone stole that magic tree. The dream she was telling horrified everyone, and then they quickly went to tell Shawn. They gathered and planned the construction of protective shields and weapons. They finished everything as if they were ready to fight.

A few days went by, as usual, nothing happened. People began to suspect when they suddenly received a letter from outer space. The letter is about the Aliens who will come to Earth for a trade discussion. Because they didn't specify the date that would come, the dinosaurs could only stay alert.

Whatever comes will come, spaceships are flying into the earth. More than 20 spaceships flew down to Earth, landing in a space near where the dinosaurs were living. The dinosaurs stood around, greeting them. The aliens are slowly descending from the spaceship one by one. There are all kinds of sizes, the lowest is one meter, and the highest is more than two meters. The body is relatively small but has a colossal head: enormous and slanted eyes, a tiny nose, and thin lips. Aliens come in many colors, but most are green. The dark green alien is the leader named Arthur. Arthur and Shawn stepped forward to shake hands and introduce everyone. Shawn led the aliens into the conference room.

Arthur spoke first. "I heard there's a magic tree here. Is that true?" The dinosaurs looked at each other in silence. It took Shawn a moment to confirm that the magic tree was there. When Arthur heard that, he smiled slightly, and the surrounding aliens also silently looked at each other with joy. Arthur continued. "I have read through the book that said about that tree. All the parts of the tree can be used.” Shawn nods over what Arthur says. Arthur was a little excited and continued. “So…Can we exchange something with you? You give me just leaves or twigs from the tree, and I will exchange you for weapons, some resources, and food.". One of those dinosaurs silently despised that they could use parts from that tree to create far more advanced alien products. Shawn hesitated for a long time, sighing. "Sorry, I have to say no. Because this tree is our only natural resource. It's like a part of our family. Sorry for turning you down.”. Because they know aliens aren't inherently nice. They know what the aliens would do if they had even a single leaf from that tree. Arthur is trying to be dispassionate and the other aliens begin to feel uneasy upon hearing Shawn's refusal. They also did not listen to what the other dinosaurs said about Shawn's intentions, which means they tacitly agreed with Shawn. Although Arthur convinced Shawn, he firmly refused. The fact that he lowered his ego to convince Shawn, but was rejected by Shawn made him angry. In the end, the Aliens compromised, leaving in anger. Some dinosaurs got scared when they saw the Alien's expression. Some dinosaurs are relieved to see aliens returning to their planet.

The peaceful life of the dinosaurs returned. They are happy and optimistic because they think aliens leave like that. They are working, helping, and laughing with each other. Meanwhile, Helen is still in fear. Feeling like the fire was in her stomach, Helen went to talk to people in the tribe. They just smile and reassure her. They think that she is overthinking and tell her everything is good now. Hearing that, she also reassured herself and then went back to continue her work.

Suddenly one day, the sky was sunny and beautiful, then it was covered with a gray color that looked like a storm was coming. It bewildered everyone as they looked up at the bright sky turning dark. In the distance, there were small lights, which slowly grew in size as they moved closer. As they got closer, the dinosaurs panicked when they learned that there were dozens and nearly a hundred spaceships, along with meteorites. Shawn began to order everyone to quickly disperse to get protective gear and weapons. The other dinosaurs listened to the command and quickly finished preparing. They are ready for this war.

"BOOM!". One alien controls a meteor that falls where the dinosaurs are standing. The chaotic noises in the air, the screams, the curses. Fortunately, the dinosaurs dodged in time from that meteorite. Then gradually, one, two, three, and many meteorites fell one after another under the control of the aliens. Half of the Dinosaurs tried to create a shield for the tree, and houses and protect the children. The other half they started using cannons, guns pointed at the spaceships. Since the dinosaur's weapons are crafted from the essence and power of that tree, it also possesses power. Dinosaur bombs and bullets that damaged their engines hit several spaceships, causing them to free-fall. When the other aliens saw this, they frantically made meteors fall to the dinosaurs. When the dinosaurs saw that, they tried to fight more fiercely. But because the aliens are too crowded and strong, along with the advantage of fighting at high altitudes, the dinosaurs are a bit exhausted. The meteorites fell again, damaging the houses, and several dinosaurs were seriously injured. Muffled cries and yells could now be heard, along with a yowl of pain. Dinosaurs slowly fell from their injuries, some of them dying. The number of dinosaurs is now less and less. The aliens are holding more of an advantage, and it seems that the dinosaurs can no longer stand. All around is now only rubble. The last dinosaur fell. Aliens won.

Contrary to the tragic situation of the dinosaurs, the Aliens were happily complacent and arrogant before this victory. They slowly landed on the ground and went to that magic tree. Arthur approached, slowly touching the tree trunk in joy. He laughed. Ownership of this tree now belongs to his aliens. Arthur turned around, waved his hand, and then walked towards his spaceship, preparing to return. The rest of the aliens saw Arthur's actions, and also implicitly understood. They approached the tree, using all their strength to pull the tree up. The roots in the ground slowly move upwards, away from the ground. After a while, they also got the tree out of the ground. The aliens put the tree on the biggest spaceship they had prepared in advance. They returned, leaving the Earth with ruined houses that looked lonely and tragic. That big, shabby-looking hole in the middle of the field was the same magic tree from before, but now it's gone.

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