Thanos villain speech | Teen Ink

Thanos villain speech

September 20, 2023
By Anonymous

“Behold, the universe quakes in its boots under my power. 
I am the inevitable force sent to save the universe from destroying its self. 
There is only one way to save the universe, the way of destruction.  
In my adventure for ultimate power, I have crushed all that opposed me.  
I have become the harbinger of destruction.  
In the wake of my destruction, order arises.  
You people can not help but fear your inevitable demise. 
For it is written in the stars.   
It is my conviction,  that the universe needs to be balanced. 
Half of life needs to be erased to save the other half. 
My actions were excessive yet necessary to preserve life as we know it.  
 My actions caused suffering all over the universe, but it was a necessary evil for the greater good. 
Now all I can do is wait for my downfall 
You avengers, you are persistent. 
But your attempts are futile.  
With the infinity stones, the world is what I make it out to be.  
You are just an obstacle in the path of salvation of the world. 
Now I give you the option join me, or oppose me.  
If you are to oppose me, you and everyone else will be annihilated.  
If you choose to join me, you can help me reshape reality to whatever you would like. 
Balance will be restored regardless of you choice. 
The universe will thank me for saving them though they are yet to realize that I am their savior.

I am inevitable"

The author's comments:

I wrote the for an English assignment

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