What a Wonderful Day It Is | Teen Ink

What a Wonderful Day It Is

November 17, 2023
By Anonymous

What a wonderful day it is. The sun shines and excited chatter fills the halls. I should feel happy, yet I don’t. All I feel is worry about the most mundane things: how my hair looks, if I said “hi” correctly. It all spins in a tornado. I can’t fight it. Deep breaths. 

Everyone feels exactly how I do. But all I see are smiles. They’re all judging me. All my thoughts become negative as the tornado unleashes its power. Finally, everything settles down. It takes time to rebuild. Deep breaths. Ah. What a wonderful day it is.

The author's comments:

This piece was created because I wanted to convey my emotions in a more poetic and deep way without directly mentioning them. Using the tornado as my analogy was a way to convey what goes on in my head and the emotions I feel in situations that normally wouldn't be stressful. 

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