Hold On to Me | Teen Ink

Hold On to Me

December 14, 2023
By Jaylynn_Whitter0716 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
Jaylynn_Whitter0716 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The thunder boomed louder than it ever has before, the lightning seemed to light up the whole house. Little Avery tightly clutched onto the pendant locket dangling from her bruised neck. Avery whipped back the princess blankets of her bed, and began to gently strut down the creaky stairwell of their old home. As she walks towards the kitchen, she hears the muffled arguing of her parents. It was that time of night again, the time where they sit in the kitchen arguing for hours because they think Avery’s asleep in bed. Most nights Avery’s not asleep, she sits by the stairwell and listens to her parents' conversations. The yelling got louder, Avery grasped on to the locket yet again. 

She quickly but quietly darts up the stairs back into her pink, princess filled room. Her parents decorated it like that to keep the “monsters” away, but Avery doesnt think it helps any. As she climbed back into her warm bed, the thunder banged even louder, Avery grabbed her locket and closed her eyes tightly. 

She drifted away in her mind, a state of deep imagination. Avery seemed to do that alot, being in her own world. A world where parents never argued, and where thunderstorms didnt exist. A world where there was no bad, and no monsters in closets. A world where it was sunny 24 hours a day, and everyone loved one another. Averys grip loosened on the locket, as she fades back into reality. When she opened her bright emerald green eyes, the room was filled with light, and was completely silent with no sounds of storms or arguing. 

She looks down at the locket and slowly opens it up, on the inside it reads, “hold on to me.” Avery closes the locket and keeps a tight hold to it as she slowly drifts back to sleep. 

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