Trumph | Teen Ink


December 18, 2023
By Anonymous

A new species was discovered in a vast area in  austria. Yes, Europe. Usually Australia is the area where we talk about new dangerous animals but we quickly learned that they aren't on this level. The power of a lion with the body size as a house cat. The Trumph. There have been 3 spotted and as we studied them we've found they are intensely carnivores and currently don't have any predators. We saw an encounter with a jaguar and a trump, and the outcome was unexpected. The trumph won with no scars and no sign of damage to it. We learned when it raises its tail it shoots a slimy smelly poison. With its elongated snout it quickly strikes the throat of its target and confirms the kill by toying with the corpse. Several times scientists have tried to tranquilize it but failed with no effect. They tried using the dosage you would use on an elephant. No results. Another encounter we have as well as bad news is that we’ve lost three scientists during these studying periods. The trumph did not go down easily but sadly because of the threat it posed to the scientists they had to do it. “We know we were in it’s environment and home but we couldn’t just let it kill us' ', says doctor remypoopants. The records say the animal took 57 shots of 223 remington rounds to stop moving. Scientists are currently in the field studying these animals and we hope to find more out as peacefully as we can. 

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