The perfect rose | Teen Ink

The perfect rose

February 22, 2024
By aa786 SILVER, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
aa786 SILVER, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
8 articles 4 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough" -Mae West

Everyone wants a great gift for their birthday, Rose dose as well and as she dreams asleep the night before her perfect party.  She had amazing presents every year. Her mom would pick them out or craft them out of her own love. Aphrodite’s love was for everyone but for Rose she would give the love of the world.  

“Rose it’s time to wake up, People will be arriving later” Aphrodite yells up the stairs

When she hears not a sound, she then climbs the stairs to her daughter’s special room.  All of the party things set up, except there was one thing missing. It must have slipped Aphrodite’s mind, the perfect gift that could top all of the others.  

As guests started to arrive Rose ran to get ready.

Makeup, Hair, the perfect dress, she mutters in a hurry

As she runs, she hears the voice of her mother

“Welcome I’m so excited you could come” Her mom says to greet others

Zeus and Poseidon then walk in and say at the same time “Thanks for inviting us I hope the birthday girl loves our gifts”

What Aphrodite didn’t know is that Poseidon gave her the pretties shells he could find one in the shape of a rose, while Zeus gave Rose a flower crown that because of his power would never wilt.

While they set the gifts down the realize they are one of the people who just arrived. The other gods were there but they were missing someone who was always late. Rose’s Uncle Hermes, as Hermes got there all he carried was a tiny jar in that jar was a cute little cloud in a heart shape.

As Hermes puts the gift down, he yells “Where’s my birthday niece”

“Over here come and find me” Rose responded.  As rose moves swiftly in her cute pink dress with the perfect amount of pink and white mixed she hides.

“Found you” She hears Hermes say

“Decoy” Rose mutters

“Got you this time” As Hermes grabs her wrist to stop her from running”

“You got me, fine” The funny thing Hermes didn’t know was that Rose had a plan.

“Now take the water” Rose said as she sprayed Hermes with water from her hands

As Poseidon giggles he mutters “That’s my little girl”

Finally, when everyone arrives, and the room gets quiet Aphrodite makes an announcement.

“Thank you all for coming, I really wanted this to be so special. It really is, I would like to give a toast to my little girl. Rose, Happy birthday honey”

That’s when the party really gets started, as rose opens gifts and thanks everyone for coming. That’s when Aphrodite realizes, the thing she forgot her perfect gift for her perfect daughter.

“I’ll be right back honey I need to get your gift” she whispers into Roses ear

That’s when Athena gets the cue and follows her “What’s wrong you look stressed”

“I forgot Roses gift” she says shakily

“It’s okay we can try and make one” Athena says in her most cheerful voice she could muster

“Ok what should we make then” Aphrodite says trying while holding back tears

“Well, something that shows her beauty, and love” Athena expresses

“Also, that shows how full her heart is, she loves gold” Aphrodite adds

“Maybe a necklace she only has one, she would use it” Athena says happy

“Yes, we got it a cute gold necklace with a diamond heart” she says through a wide smile

With that bit of magic Aphrodite and Athena created Rose’s new birthday gift. No matter what year they made them the most special. This year that bit of magic made an amazing heart Necklace made of pure gold. The gold from the love of Aphrodite and the locket filled with love from Athena. The heart of gold coated with diamonds in the center. The necklace would be the perfect gift. She would be able to wear it all the time. It complemented her own beauty that would make her eyes shine.

With that they find a pretty box with the shape of a rose and the perfect pink color that would match her dress.

“Here honey, I really hope you like it” Aphrodite says hopefully

With that Rose opens the little box and gasps she holds it in her hand for a second, before screaming.

“I love it mom I really love it, it’s just so pretty and perfect. Thanks mom” With that she puts it on and gives Aphrodite a giant hug. That’s when the diamond sparkles and glows.  The necklace reflecting how big her heart is and how much love rose has for the world.

The author's comments:

For school I had to do a Greek assignment! It was about a theme my is about how a flower came to be.

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