The Glitches | Teen Ink

The Glitches

February 26, 2024
By cc_fvr BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
cc_fvr BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I finish setting up the front porch with the Welcome mat, I hear something. BOOM! What, what was that… What exploded? As I walk up the stairs I notice a black substance on the entrance of the attic. I go into the closest to get the ladder, I bring it to the entrance of the attic, climb up and open it. And within’ that fwoom. Loads of smoke exits, causing me to almost fall. As I enter the attic to observe everything goes clear. I blink once and everything changes. For some reason I'm back putting the Welcome mat on the front porch, AGAIN! I thought it was just my mind playing games. As I finish placing the mat, I enter my house. But, I catch something weird and odd. I look over my shoulder into my room, to see my computer open with a screen saying “THE GLITCH EXISTS”. As I get frightened I rush to close my computer, as I do I heard something drop. I got startled, just to see that it was just my comb. I pick up my comb, and see something dark run across the other side of my bed. I leaned up quickly to see nothing there. Once again, I thought that my mind was getting tricked. I go to enter the living room, then WHOOP, I somehow fall into a dark hole with no light. As I try to get up the way I fell, I can’t. This visible shadow starts running towards me looking deformed, and then POW. Everything goes black and blank. A year later I woke up to being in a mental institute. Not knowing what to do.

The author's comments:

I went through a lot of trauma in my life , and this fiction article is a reflection of it.

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