Ice Cream Horror | Teen Ink

Ice Cream Horror

May 10, 2024
By Anonymous

In the heart of downtown Stillwater, in between boutiques and crowded bars sits a small ice cream shop called, Classic Treats.  The sweet smells and inviting decor flood the streets.  It attracts everyone, old and young, however today there is an unexpected guest that is about to arrive and fate is about to blow.  

As the door chimed the employees and fellow customers inside the shop look over, there facial expressions become surprised and curious.  Standing in the door way is none other than Barack Obama.  His stunning smile and loving appearance blow away the people around, he is wearing light tan khakis paired with a olive green polo that makes his hazel eyes pop.  He tries his best to fit into the crowd but with his attraction he can’t be looked over.  

“Hi there, may I get a scoop of mint chocolate chip please and two scoops of cookie monster?” He says with a smile forming.

“Okay.. anything else I can get for you guys today?” The cashier says smiling while typing on the cash register.

“No thank you, that’ll be all.” Says Barack. 

“Okay that’ll be $6.37.” 

Barack takes out his wallet and flashes his card in front of the cashier, as soon as she grabs the card from his fingers a deafening explosion outside rattled the equiptment inside, and shook the windows, which caused screams and cries throughout the store.

“What was that?!” Screamed a customer in disbelief.  Barack and his assistant worried about the danger that they are in begin to take matters into their own hands.  Before anyone else could even have time to process what is happening, the ex President of the United States is at the door turning the lock.  His voice is spouting out over the children’s cries.

“Everyone behind the counter and in the back!”

Without hesitation everyone listened to the voice that sounds shaky and scared.  Seeing people running for their lives down the street in the smoke filled air and debris on top of cars, is startling to all.  When finally in the back with no windows around, more explosions begin, the sounds are straight out of a horror movie listening to the wails and sirens in the distance.  Everyone in the ice cream shopped tried to protect themselves but also protect the man who was once the President.  Stumbling for the tv remote the manager of Classic Treats finally was able to turn on the news to get an idea of the chaos emerging just outside.

“Breaking News.  Just 5 minutes ago in the town of Stillwater, Minnesota, a large explosion has been reported in the heart of downtown where former President, Barack Obama has been spotted this early afternoon.  Emergency officers are beginning their search for people who may be trapped in buildings, cars, or under debris.  From what we know the explosions will not happen again but to be very cautious when leaving shelter or stay as long as possible.”  

The sturdiness in the reporters voice made this seem like an everyday occurrence.  No one knew how long we would be trapped in this small ice cream shop for or if anyone would save us at all.  

After hours of sitting in the back of this shop filled with quiet whispers, we hear loud bangs on the glass door.  Finally, the search team.  After all the terror, we were finally saved.

That is when I found out that we had just been in a monumental attack that will now be known worldwide.  Never expect what is coming for you even just at a normal day of work. 

The author's comments:

This piece helped me work on dialogue and rhythm 

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