Good to Know That Everything Will Be Fine | Teen Ink

Good to Know That Everything Will Be Fine

June 3, 2024
By maxjur0509 BRONZE, Richfield, Minnesota
maxjur0509 BRONZE, Richfield, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We begin in Southam, known for hosting the biggest, most prestigious Lumberjack Competition. Our three finalists George, Muhhamed, and William have been training their whole lives just to have a chance at winning their biggest competition ever.  

During their training, they begin to notice they are chopping down entire forests in a day’s worth of practice leaving them little forest left for the competition. On the final day of the competition, there were three events planned, a log roll, a lumber-themed obstacle course, and a race to cut down 500 trees. 

During the log roll George falls in and with a large splosh sound gives up and withdraws from the contest! The audience is confused, even angry! During the obstacle course, William gets a stitch in his side forcing him to walk around and take the time penalties placing him in last. Much more of the audience is disappointed seeing their favorite lumberjacks defeated so easily! 

Finally, in the last event, each participant is neck and neck, no one can tell who will win! Muhhamed pulls ahead, 496, 497, 498! He stops, everything stops, everything but the tree falling onto him! Many rush to his aid and he is forced to exit the competition so close yet so far. The crowd looks back at the hillside expecting to see the other two contestants keeping up with each other but there are no more trees left. 

After all this time they have cut down every tree within walking distance! But they learned their lesson: Everything is fine-ite!

The author's comments:

I am not a big fan of ELA and writing as a whole, I enjoy writing comedy with bad puns a lot. I might try it again if this is met with a lot of positivity!

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