Write a Scene | Teen Ink

Write a Scene

June 7, 2024
By 5bamba BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5bamba BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One beautiful afternoon, a man and a woman took their newborn for a trip to the park. The sun was shining bright enough to unveil the depths of the ocean, birds were chirping, music was playing, and the leaves danced in the air. The couple had bought her a balloon, a purple one to be exact as that was her favorite color. Soon after they also treated her to an ice cream cone because of the wonderful weather. But, all of the sudden when walking past a guitarist, their guitar pick flew from his hand striking the purple balloon. Along, with the tragedy of the balloon a bee invested by the sweet scent of the ice cream gave a visit; nervous, due to the balloon, stung the baby. The baby then broke out into a historical crying sound like a train’s brakes screaming to a halting stop as her balloon, and skin had a day to no longer remember.

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