Green, Mean, and Scary | Teen Ink

Green, Mean, and Scary

July 4, 2009
By col3725 GOLD, Lebanon, New Jersey
col3725 GOLD, Lebanon, New Jersey
11 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I woke up, covered in sweat from head to toe. I cocked my head to the side and there it was, a three-eyed, green grotesque creature staring at me. My legs began to shake and my heart beat faster than normal.

Should I run? My legs wouldn’t move. Should I scream for help? My mouth wouldn’t open. Should I be scared? Too Late.

The creature’s big brown eyes kept staring at me, never looked away once. Flames erupted behind its eyes, and a wrinkle of agitation appeared between them. Great. I’m going to be eaten by a monster before I’ve eaten breakfast.

“KAYLA! KAYLA! KAYLA!” The creature’s voice got louder and louder as it said my name. “KAYLA! KAYLA! KAYLA!” Again and again it said my name.

“KAYLA! Get your butt down stairs now!”

I woke up to the sound of a fist beating against my door. I was covered in sweat from head to toe, and I was out of breath. I cocked my head to the side and there it was, even scarier than the three-eyed, green, grotesque creature. It was my mother!

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