Al Jackson | Teen Ink

Al Jackson

October 1, 2007
By Anonymous

A boy name Al Jackson Jr was born to Renee and Al Jackson Sr on January 22 1992 in Detroit,Michigan. His father was a Hall of Fame NFL player. Al's father always dream of having a son so his son would became a NBA star. As Al was greowing up his father was teaching him every step of basketball. He started teaching him how to play at the age of three years old. His son got better and better as the years went by. Al started playing for his dad's Pee Wee basketball team at the age of eight years old. He played basketball all thought elementary,middle,and high school basketball. When he in 12th grade he was a All American. He went to Michigan State University. When he became a Junior he was the first roundand first pick to the Detroit Pistons. Fifthteen years later he retired and made it to the Hall of Fame.Two months later his father was killed in a car crash.He was happy for what he did for his dad


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