The Crying Hour | Teen Ink

The Crying Hour

October 18, 2007
By Anonymous

The Crying Hour
I Smell tHe AnGer DrIPPIng From The Sweat AS I enteR thE HoUsE.THE CRYING HOUR IS TODAY.i HEar tHe SHoutInGs of LIps And tHe BeAtInGs of FISTS. THE CRYING HOUR IS BEGINNING AGAIN.I FEEL tHe StAmpS of TOEs AnD ThE pOUNdingS Of Feet.THE CRYING HOUR IS APPROACHING ME.BOOM!!! tHe DooR bReAkS Open.THE CRYING HOUR IS here. tEaRS FrOM The hArsh WOrDs aNd tHe EChoes OF slAps.THE CRYING HOUR has started.10....20.....30 minutes......I aM sTaRtING tO fEEl The PainAnD sEE the BruIseS.40.......50 minutes........THe CRYING hour is closing.60.........minutes..........the hour has stopped but the CRYING continues.

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This article has 1 comment.

andrya BRONZE said...
on Nov. 6 2010 at 8:47 pm
andrya BRONZE, Urbana, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person... Give him a mask and he'll tell you the truth.
(Velvet Goldmine)

This is very strong....ive felt somethig like this before