Broken | Teen Ink


November 16, 2010
By smithmas PLATINUM, Felton, California
smithmas PLATINUM, Felton, California
20 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
sing like there's no one listening :)

She’s calling, crying. No one hears. She ‘s slipping slowly. This has never happened before, this will never happen again. She is lying in an alley. The mice scamper over her. They bite at her ropes. They are the only friends she has. She was tied up and kicked out. She is young, too young to die. But she will. She’s given up all hope. As she slips away, she hears something. At first it is quiet, maybe a mouse tittering. Then, it grows louder, and as everything fades and goes black, the girl hears a hoarse and terrible cackle.

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