bordering on invisible | Teen Ink

bordering on invisible

May 10, 2011
By empteed SILVER, Diamond Bar, California
empteed SILVER, Diamond Bar, California
6 articles 5 photos 3 comments

Her near perfect features sit upon her glowing skin, boasting to the world that she is untouchable.
My heart twists with anger, and something else, a sadness, one that I have not felt in such a long while. It is as if an invisible set of hands have gripped at my heart to squeeze out the last of what I tried to keep safe—my being, my lifeline.
Nothing has changed, yet everything is so different.
I am the outcast to people I had once known so well.
I am fading, becoming that damn invisible girl I vowed to myself I’d never become again.
My clarity is wearing off and I am beginning to become the desks, the walls, and the floor.
Their laughter fills the air without mine to join.
I have no more tears to shed because this was my last chance to make it, my last chance to be someone, to be visible, to be loved.
The anguish inside my chest is beating at the boundaries of my body—it wants out.
My soul is screaming.
I don’t know where I went wrong.
I can’t be who she is. I can’t be who they want me to be.
I’ll be who I was meant to be.
Invisibility is a better companion than a harsh crowd.

The author's comments:
This is a very rough piece of work.Straight out of my heart and on to a piece of paper.


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