Dark Heart | Teen Ink

Dark Heart

May 25, 2011
By Raven_Deathwing PLATINUM, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Raven_Deathwing PLATINUM, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
29 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
'my happiness is only a mask i wear to hide the tears i cry'

Darkness fills my heart, but I keep trying to fight it. I cannot win, I cannot lose, the only thing I have left is love, but it isn't enough

the dark heart that was once sealed and long forgotten is now breaking free and coming back to remembrence...

I have learned to not fight it, but sometimes, that isn't enough, sometimes, I have to fight it, deep down, I know there is nothing I can do to stop it...

but I don't want to be locked away, not now, not anymore...
because when I'm alone, with no one to be there, I go on a suicide mission, sometimes I'll turn to murder...

but then I wake up and now I'm surrounded by white...am I alive or dead? when I see the bandages on my arms, I cry, for my dream was a dream, a nightmare, and a reality...

I have to let go of myself, but you come to my life and help me understand what it means to be shown for who I really am...

as I close my eyes to the darkness and let it fill my, you come and bring me back to the light, because I've seen death and wasn't afraid of it...

now I cannot be in the dark without you, my light, my guide, the only one who cares enough about me.

now the dark heart is sealed away and you have rescued me from my death...

and now i cry at night when you're gone, but can sleep knowing you will be there in the morning...

I have learned to say good-bye to the past and to embrace the future...

The author's comments:
i was inspired to write this when i was feeling sad, and alone. i now have a friend who can understand me and i understand him


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