Time to Come Home | Teen Ink

Time to Come Home

December 29, 2011
By OceanGirl SILVER, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
OceanGirl SILVER, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Backstabbers are only powerful when you have your back turned.

The sky is no longer blue, it is black. The grass is no longer green, it is the cold dark color of black. That is all I see now. Black covers my entire world. I feel no emotion. I am not sad, I am not happy, I am just there. When I see the deer running around in the field, I feel the need to look back to the memory of the baby deer on that warm September day, but I can’t.

Not only can I not feel the sadness in my heart, I don’t want to feel it. If I feel it I will be stuck with more pain than I already have been given. I’m not sure of who I am or where I am at. I’m lost in my thoughts and I am lost in the now. I take my cold, tired, and old body out to the middle of the field and I stand there. A bright light flashes. I feel a woman take my hand. Then a group of glorious voices say in unison, “It’s time to come home, Gloria, it’s time to come home.”

The author's comments:
This is a short story I wrote while I was driving to the beach. No relation to my life.


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