A Lifetime Secret | Teen Ink

A Lifetime Secret

January 24, 2012
By DragonRider1231 SILVER, Potosi, Missouri
DragonRider1231 SILVER, Potosi, Missouri
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is an adventure, have fun.

The wind blows through the trees and I sit and listen. There is an ominous feel from the way the wind blows. In these woods, I have traveled since I was little with all the sense of never being alone. The wind speaks with a gentle voice and the wild animals tell good stories. Every time I am out here, I wish that everyone could experience this feeling but it is sad that some people would say it was a figment of my imagination. That is why I keep this Eden from the world and ones who would want to hurt it. I keep it from them because I have been hurt in the same way. My intention is to preserve this life here and the life that is being born every day all around the world. Keeping secrets is a way of life and this is my secret.

The author's comments:
I was out at my grandmother's when i wrote this piece. This place was my happy place.

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