Rowing a Boat On Land | Teen Ink

Rowing a Boat On Land

February 29, 2012
By Isabelle Jeng SILVER, Warren, New Jersey
Isabelle Jeng SILVER, Warren, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The day you are born, they give you a boat. It’s about six feet long and it comes with two splinty oars. You are not allowed to leave your boat, and it is your only means of travel. You can move around in it, but you can’t sling more than one leg over the side at a time.

There is only one direction you can move, and it’s through a dirt path. If you want to move forward, you need to row. If you’re stuck, boaters will pass you. Nobody will help you. Firstly, they can’t leave their own boats. Secondly, they want to continue along the dirt path as well. If you’re stuck in an area where multiple other boaters are caught, you won’t be able to see or hear them after a while. You’re trapped.

Sometimes the land will shift. A small stream may flow underneath you and scoop you along. You might begin to float and continue. But sometimes soil erosion will root you in place. And who knows how long you’ll be stuck?

There are no short cuts. You’re alone and will be from the inception of your journey. You’ll be alone when you enter the watershed. And you’ll be alone when the ocean engulfs you.

The author's comments:
This is my interpretation of life.


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