The Road Home | Teen Ink

The Road Home

November 28, 2012
By Tyler Lofftus BRONZE, Glendale, California
Tyler Lofftus BRONZE, Glendale, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The moon shined and blinded my focus. My hands were firm, but slipping. The road blurs and sharpens, as the steady turn approaches. I blink. I blink again. I snap out of it and look at Florence, already into her twenty-fourth year, with her head slumped to one side. I missed the reflection of the moon in her eyes, but I didn't want to wake her. Driving. Who drives at half past 4 in the morning? "Me, that's who" I thought to myself almost smiling.
Anvils were tied to my already lead eyelids, "Only ten and a half more miles," I assured myself, "then we are home."
That faint whisper of Florence's voice I could just about hear her, "take a break, you're too tired."

I knew that's what she'd say and I knew she was right, but I could make it. Just ten minutes till we would be in bed and we could sleep. Sleep. Sleep. No. Awake, stay awake for just ten minutes more is all I had to do. The road stretched out toward me, safely holding us in its hand, its two yellow veins separate the two empty lanes ahead of me.

"Think, think awake things." I tried to tell myself, " What is today? Today is Friday, wait, no it's past midnight, Saturday." I noticed my eyes were closed and a felt a jolt. I felt like I inhaled all of Earth's air in my gasp. Then weightlessness. The most terrifying weightlessness, no control over anything, not the car, not me, and not Florence. Florence! I saw her eyes wide, but time was going to slow for me to say anything.

At this point I'd like to believe I was introspective and philosophical. But I wasn't, I tried to think about the most human moment of my life. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the night sky, we were about to roll. I thought about my first kiss, nervous soft lips, happiness, with... Her name. I couldn't remember her name. What was her name? She was the biggest part of my life, what was her name... R. I thought about the next biggest, most alive, the day I met Florence. Something I've always found interesting about a girl reading the biggest book she could find. My head had finally turned, I could see the tops of trees, still rolling. My mind doesn't care about how long I have off the side of the mountain road, I desperately told my head to turn to Florence. Please. One more time before I hit the ground, I pleaded. As I will my head to move I tried to remember the first place I'd ever taken her hole in the wall pizza place that neither of us liked, but we still liked it there. I wanted it to stop thinking about her and just see her, see her face, hold her hand, and tell her we would be fine. I though to myself "People don't just die, they can't just wink out of existence." They do, apparently. I didn't get to see her before we hit, fifty feet down. My soul was chain to the outside of my body, I saw a blue wisp of light, as faint as her small whisper, flow from what used to be Florence. I sank. Slowly I felt myself sink. I knew I had to see her again. And I will. No matter what powers keep me here, I'll see the moon in her eyes.

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